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Showing posts from February, 2013


Our Tract For February

  Mrs. Christy L ♥ √ ع   For TLF, February 2013

TLF Features

In this month of February, our feature organisation is Mount Zion Movie Industry. Mount Zion Faith Ministries began in 1985, with the initial main objective to produce Christian Films and Tele-drama for the propagation of the gospel of Jesus Christ and to counter the prevailing effect of the few secular films of that time. Our First Television Serial was shot in 1993 titled AGBARA NLA. It was transmitted in all the TV Stations in the Western Region of Nigeria. The English version of the Serial titled "The Ultimate Power" was shot in 1994. Since then more TV Serials have been made in the Ministry. We pray that God in His infinite goodness would bless and direct Mount Zion Movie Industry’s path unto greatness, in Jesus name, amen. Henry L ♥ √ ع For TLF, February 2013

Our Comic For February

Tina L ♥ √ ع TLF, February 2013

Word of the Wise

TLF Celebrates

In this month of February, we celebrate Imoisi Ejodame. He was a friend of the Tina Love Foundation. He helped with TLF’s development. He passed on in February 2010. We pray that God in His infinite goodness would bless and direct Imoisi's loved ones while he walked among us and bless his memory in this world, in Jesus name, amen. Adesuwa For TLF, February 2013

Poster for the Month

Toju L ♥ √ ع For TLF, February 2013
Happy New Month of February This month’s theme is ’Love’ that is we urge you to commence all those things God has laid in your heart to do for His glory. We urge you to follow our programmes for the month: By the grace of God watch out for our regulars: Our Tract for the month, our poster (Spread This Love), our comics, our celebrants, our feature organisation. Also G.I.S.T. U (the Word of the Lord) and finally ‘the word of the wise.’ This month you would experience unprecedented breakthrough. Your joy shall overflow. The Lord will wipe away your tears and clothe you with the garment of praise. The anointing of gladness shall overshadow you. May your shortcomings be washed by Jesus’ blood. The Lord Who is the Strong Tower is your defence for your blood is precious to Him. It is your month of fulfilment. ArYz and ShYn. We love you, God loves us all. Osato L ♥ √ ع TLF, February 2013