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Showing posts from November, 2013

Our Poster For November

Azuka L ♥ √ ع TLF, November 2013

TLF Features

TLF Celebrates Calvary Ministries CAPRO For CAPRO it is believed that- The Commandment: "Go into all the nation and preach the Gospel to every creature." CAPRO organises outreaches, film shows, trains and mobilizes missionaries to go into the world and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. They work together with corps members and students of tertiary institutions as well as others with a passion to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to those who have not heard and received. We pray that God in His infinite goodness would prosper their works, provide for them and their families, protect them from evil and be a present help in time of need. May the presence of God go with them, in Jesus name, amen. Akan L ♥ √ ع For TLF, November 2013

Our Comic For November

  Tina L ♥ √ ع TLF, November 2013

TLF Celebrates

In this month of November, we celebrate Victor Kolo. He is a member of the Tina Love Foundation. He helped with TLF’s publications and has donated to TLF’s SMS credit. We pray that God in His infinite goodness would bless and direct Victor’s path unto good, in Jesus name, amen. Tina L ♥ √ ع TLF, November 2013.

Our Tract For November

Emeka L ♥ √ ع For TLF, November 2013

Happy New Month November

We urge you to 'Spread This Love'. Watch out for our regulars: Our Tract for the month, our poster, our comics, our celebrants, our feature organisation. Also G.I.S.T. U, the Word of the Wise, the Word of the Lord, also our Poem and 'Did You Know?' segments. When you throw your baby in the air, he laughs because he knows you will catch him; THAT IS TRUST. Every night we go to bed, we have no assurance to wake up, but we still have plans for tomorrow; THAT IS HOPE. In all situations always keep trust & hope in God. Osato L ♥ √ ع TLF, November 2013.