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Showing posts from February, 2014


LET US PONDER Jesus prayed to the Father that we who believe in Him maybe one. Sadly many believers are still torn apart by denomination, financial status, race and tribe, among many other differences that ought to have disappeared when we received our new nature in Christ; wherein we no longer have Jew or Greek, male or female, literate or illiterate. This is a picture of a man and his wife who when they died, were buried in different cemeteries because they belonged to different denominations! However that hand of fellowship seen in the picture is an indication that we must stretch out our hands of fellowship and love to others of different denominations and love all men irrespective of faith. -                 Tina WHAT DO YOU REASON ABOUT THIS?  


God has given us many talents and abilities, to be used for His glory and honour. We are made to please Him, the way we seek to please the ones we love and who love us. Thanks to Ehis Solomon, Franklin, Tina and all who assisted in bringing about this poster, we celebrate all married couples and we propagate the love of God. Remember intimacy is meant for husbands and wives in the sight of God, as it represents the relationship Jesus Christ wants to have with His bride- the church, which is you and I . God bless and sustain you in Jesus name, amen.

Our Events

In the month of February, by the grace of God, we hope to achieve the will of God. Our 12 cardinal projects are as the Holy Spirit leads which we strive to do every month are: Distribution of Bibles, Distribution of Devotionals, Distribution of Books (educational&inspirational), Distribution of CDs (songs, videos, data, messages), Sending out motivational text messages, Sending out encouraging emails, Organising seminars based on our theme for the month, Donations to individuals&organisations, Organising film-shows&workshops, Distribution of information (via tracts, posters, comics), Participation in cash&kind in other charities, Publishing our write-ups (print media&internet media- blog, social sites, etc). TLF is incorporated for charity and social development. Donate to our organisation for any of these projects in cash, kind, advice, information and other ways. Thank you. See below is a sample of the Devotional we distribute, because they help us...

Happy New Month!!!

On behalf of the trustees, members, friends and associates of the Tina Love Foundation (TLF), we pray that the fervent prayers of your heart shall be answered this February. This month is dedicated to the celebration of intimate love that is pure and only exists among God’s people as every other is a counterfeit and deviation! May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the sweet fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all, amen. You are receiving these roses because you are a special person! Each rose symbolizes a special wish from me to you. One Rose for Long Friendship One Rose for Unconditional Love One Rose For Financial Wealth One for Everlasting Happiness One for Success One for Knowledge   One for Beauty, inner and out One for Family One for Honesty And the last one for a long and healthy life   Written by An Unknown Author.   L ♥ √ ع TLF   February 2014