LET US PONDER The Jews were instructed that at the celebration of the Passover they must tell of the great deliverance God did for His children. Those who were taught had the responsibility of passing on this message and history and faith to their children and their children’s children, and so pass it on from generation to generation. We in this generation have the responsibility of passing on this message of salvation and the love of God, received from our forerunners in faith and pass it on to coming generations. We are often quick to tag this generation as lost and irresponsible, but is it not because we never taught them what we applied at their stage in our lives that made us the way we became! We owe the next generation we are handing over the baton of life to the truth of God Almighty and His Son Jesus’ love for us. Teach them to pray! - Tina WHAT DO YOU REASON ABOUT THIS?
Tina Love Foundation TLF is an organisation set up for charity and social development. With funds, support and donations, we can reach out to the needy physically, intellectually, emotionally and so on to better their lives and better the society. We believe without the love of God charity will not be sustainable or attainable. With charity, society can be developed. God is love and Jesus loves us.