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Showing posts from July, 2014


If I say do not smoke cigarettes or weed, don’t drink, don’t indulge in unhealthy habits, and so on, you may say it is something that would kill a man one day! But do you want to be the one to kill yourself wilfully? Do you want to be the one to shorten your own lifespan? Do you want to deny your loved ones and the world of your presence? What would be the difference between you and a suicidal person? What is so wrong or boring in healthy living? Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy! Steal your destiny which entails your being alive to fulfil it;   kill you and cause others to mourn and even question God’s love; and destroy all what God, your parents, friends and society have invested in you over time to make you the person to live the part God has willed for your life! If swimming is a good exercise to stay FIT, why are whales FAT??? Are you a whale? Are whales made in God’s image? Fat or slim are you living healthy or making excuses? Are you preventing your loved ones fr...

Put in your reminder

You are invited to our second term meeting 24th August 2014 3.30pm - 5pm at our temporary office RSVP: God bless you as you come.

Our Support

Jesus Children Missions Outreach This is a non-governmental organization which carters for less privileged children They are in need of a permanent premises They have acquired one and are in need of donations to complete payment Kindly donate cheerfully and generously to: Jesus Children Mission Outreach United Bank for Africa (UBA) 1010541138 Contact them via: Facebook- Jesus-Children-Mission Outreach Email-   Thank you God be with you   TLF -our support for like minds




We urge you all to take adequate care of your health and improve on your well being. Yeah we all have a death sentence to transcend from this world, but why should we hasten that time. When we do things to the detriment of our health we are saying that we do not want to fulfill all that God has made us for. We continue to thank all those who help TLF in producing our posters and pasting them around.

Lighter Side

TLF Event

In the month of July, by the grace of God, we hope to achieve the will of God. Our 12 cardinal projects are as the Holy Spirit leads which we strive to do every month are: Distribution of Bibles, Distribution of Devotionals, Distribution of Books (educational&inspirational), Distribution of CDs (songs, videos, data, messages), Sending out motivational text messages, Sending out encouraging emails, Organising seminars based on our theme for the month, Donations to individuals&organisations, Organising film-shows&workshops, Distribution of information (via tracts, posters, comics), Participation in cash&kind in other charities, Publishing our write-ups (print media&internet media- blog, social sites, etc). TLF is incorporated for charity and social development. Donate to our organisation for any of these projects in cash, kind, advice, information and other ways. Thank you. See below is a photo we wish to share from past seminars organised by TL...

Happy New Month!!!

On behalf of the trustees, members, friends and associates of the Tina Love Foundation (TLF), we pray that the earnest prayers of your heart shall be answered this July. This month is dedicated to the celebration of healthy living and environment. Thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus.   This is my prayer for you this remaining days of YEAR 2014. As the lord liveth you shall possess your possession this month. The lord will meet u at the point of your need. You shall not labour in vain nor work for others to eat. All your enemies will tremble before you. You will cross -over your problems in Jesus Name. You will pass-over disappointments and failures. Your going out and coming in shall be blessed. The light of the Lord will shine into the darkness of your life.....I Have a good news for you this month you will rejoice like David, favoured like Esther, lead like Joshua, reign like Solomon, establish like Joseph, blessed like Jacob, and laugh like Sarah very ...