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Showing posts from June, 2015

TLF Event

In December of 2014 we had the opportunity to showcase the posters and comics of TLF over the years on display during the Arts, Crafts, Fashion Society Exhibition. Many people viewed our works and we believe seeds were sown in these hearts to also do the same thing and also be edified by the messages on the art works pointing to Jesus Christ and His teachings. -          In love, TLF

Profile of the Month

Look at the life of Pastor G. Craig Lewis a preacher fondly known for his revival messages about the destructive and subtle world of secular media. In one of his messages he said that he once walking down the road when he looked back at his son and saw he son walking just like him! I think it is a great issue that although there are many people who profess and confess Christianity and Christ but have their hearts far from him, so much so that very few people get led to Jesus by our 'witnessing' in lifestyles not our words. It is kind of embarrassing and sad that we have so many pastors, Christians, churches and ministries (tract, TV, gospel musicians, gospel movies, etc) and yet evil prevails and many are still without Jesus! These remaining ones who are not believers in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour are not the ones who perpetuate these evils majorly. It’s still done by 'Christians’ or people who profess fear of God in other faiths! I’m starting with myself, let ...

... be wise

... on a lighter side

Do you know that a large percent of those who have come to Christ did so from TRACTS they received along the way! Tracts are simple paper fliers containing the Word of God to tell people everywhere of what love God the Father has for us. There are various tract groups. Support tract groups nearest to you, as it is freely given! Help share tracts today, you would help spread love! -          In love, TLF


Many people do not read the Holy Bible, even preachers. Mostly we rely on what people quote or limit ourselves to where our Devotional takes us to read. TLF distributes Devotionals but more so we freely give out complete Bible. The Bible can never change, men do. Someone once said, “I have not seen the Holy Book producing much effect in the condemnation, intimidation, defamation and crucifixion of people. But I have always seen it producing great effects in correcting, helping, encouraging, saving, guiding, edifying, enlightening, empowering and beautifying people. Therefore, I believe that the best way to use the Holy book is to use it to correct, to help, to encourage, to save, to guide, to edify, enlighten, to empower, to beautify people and not to condemn, intimidate, defame and crucify them.” -          TLF
Do you know that a large percent of those who have come to Christ did so from TRACTS they received along the way! Tracts are simple paper fliers containing the Word of God to tell people everywhere of what love God the Father has for us. There are various tract groups. Support tract groups nearest to you, as it is freely given! Help share tracts today, you would help spread love! -          In love, TLF
Do you know that a large percent of those who have come to Christ did so from TRACTS they received along the way! Tracts are simple paper fliers containing the Word of God to tell people everywhere of what love God the Father has for us. There are various tract groups. Support tract groups nearest to you, as it is freely given! Help share tracts today, you would help spread love! -          In love, TLF