Winning Children Foundation In 2014 a neighbor decided to visit a place he had taken as his project during his service year. He took a couple of us to this center and showed us just what compassion, dedication and selflessness can achieve in God’s love. In the center we met great people who with their little hold on to the hope of life. The center serves as a school and home to children and youths who have no family to take care of them. Like every other orphanage they are in need of your love and attention! Do you have bed sheets, books, money, computers, generators and other things you know a typical school and home needs? Please why don’t you donate or reach out to those you may know who have and who can donate same. Nothing is too small or big. There are over 50 people in the center and it is non-governmental! Show love today. For contact details kindly reach us via email or text as we serve as a channel of God’s love in Jesus name, amen. - ...
Tina Love Foundation TLF is an organisation set up for charity and social development. With funds, support and donations, we can reach out to the needy physically, intellectually, emotionally and so on to better their lives and better the society. We believe without the love of God charity will not be sustainable or attainable. With charity, society can be developed. God is love and Jesus loves us.