The Experience This year’s The Experience will be the 10 th edition of this worship musical gathering of Christians from different denominations, states and affiliations! It is just amazing how over 600,000 people gather year in year out to praise and worship God in open air without any hindrances or charge or fear or favour! We sing along Christian musicians from within and outside Nigeria who we have grown up with and who have blessed us and edified us with lyrics and lives. All glory be to God as we sing to Him and not for our entertainment. This is what makes The Experience different. It is not a concert or show! But a musical worship service! I invite you to this year’s Experience in December at TBS. please make it a date. Feel free to contact us for details or see their page on Facebook. Remember, let everything that has breath praise the Lord! - In love, TLF
Tina Love Foundation TLF is an organisation set up for charity and social development. With funds, support and donations, we can reach out to the needy physically, intellectually, emotionally and so on to better their lives and better the society. We believe without the love of God charity will not be sustainable or attainable. With charity, society can be developed. God is love and Jesus loves us.