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Showing posts from November, 2016


We are a not-for-profit organization and we rely on God’s provisions to be a going concern. Our constitution allows us receive donations from genuine and honourable sources. No matter how small, we welcome donations in cash and kind. Please donate to us through our account: Tina Love Foundation Current Account Number 0033315918 Guaranty Trust Bank Plc Nigeria

Our issue for this month of November

FEAR AND INSECURITY Remember that when we are secure in God we do not fear any evil in whatever form it takes. Well this is a story we wish you to read- "I    W A S    A F R A I D    T O    S L E E P" Li Ning is a SOON reader from Sarawak, Malaysia. Here is her story: My mother was a Christian, but my father went to the temple and followed another religion. When I was a child, my mother took me to Christian meetings even though my father was unkind to her every time we came home. As I grew up, I knew that I must decide whether to follow the religion of my mother or my father. I realised that all I learned at the Christian meeting was true. Jesus Christ came to earth to forgive our wrong doing. I needed to say sorry to him for all I had done wrong. I became a Christian - I knew I had made the right choice. "They made fun of me" At this time my parents were working in the country of Brunei, but I moved back to Malaysia. I lived wit...

We Celebrate Creativity

Our Vision Is To See Society More Sensitive, Sensible and Loving

Be loving... there are people who like the story of the good Samaritan stumble onto a need and make attempts to alleviate the problem. They are loving to the needy around them. Praise God for that . Be sensible... do not worship idols. Shun new age religion. God is the same yesterday, today and forever. how can you have the power to mold an image and still worship what you yourself made? Be sensible, we have a living God Who made us and calls us to accept communion with Him through His Son, Jesus Christ. Do not ruin your destiny! Be sensitive... there are people around who have despite all odds have decided to do honest jobs rather than engage in begging, sin and crime to make ends meet. What is your excuse?



OUR THEME FOR THIS MONTH IS SECURITY Do you know that God is concerned about your security? Yes there is a God and He is our Creator and He loves us. We cannot question what happens but we can trust God to see us through. God willing our events for this month include: 1.           Umbrella Stand where the TWFT, Tracts, Stickers will be shared. 2.           Workshop for the   Unemployed on Skill Acquisition 3.           Distribution at EKSUTH Hospital where Food items will be shared. 4.           The Usual-     SMS\ Email\ Comic\ Poster\ Write-ups on various internet handles. Join us in praying for a successful month, with God’s blessings and provisions; that the target would be blessed and the workers will be zealous and strengthened.


OUR THEME FOR THIS MONTH IS SECURITY Tina Love Foundation is a not for profit organization registered for charity and social development. It started January 1 st 2005. We have 3 trustees and several friends. You are welcome to be a member or volunteer. What we do is to inspire, motivate and encourage people leading society to be more sensitive, sensible and loving to God’s glory. We are channels of God’s love and we do this via 12 cardinal projects done monthly in love- distribute Bible, devotionals, books, CDs, tracts, comics, paste posters, send SMS, emails, give out donations, organize seminars, workshops, lectures. Join us in our blog, facebook page, linkedin, twitter, send us your email and numbers so you can receive our messages. Furthermore, visit our office and obtain a form, fill it and talk with us. For more information or feedback contact us +2348 0985 98075;