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Showing posts from April, 2019
Culled from Our Daily Bread Enjoying Beauty By Patricia Raybon Many things in life are beautiful indeed. Master paintings. Scenic vistas. Inspired crafts. But so is a child’s smile. A friend’s hello. A robin’s blue egg. A seashell’s strong ridges. To relieve the burdens life can bring, “[God] has made everything beautiful in its time” (Ecclesiastes 3:11). In such beauty, Bible scholars explain, we get a glimpse of the perfection of God’s creation—including the glory of His perfect rule to come.  We can only imagine such perfection, so God grants us a foretaste through life’s beauty. In this way, God “has also set eternity in the human heart” (v. 11). Some days life looks drab and futile. But God mercifully provides moments of beauty to ponder. How do you respond to the beauty God has placed in this world? How does beauty reflect Him? Blessed New Week TLF
SOMETIMES IN APRIL...  My eldest sister was like my second mother.  My other siblings even one older than her called her Mama.  I never did because even though she was a mother to all She was still a sister, daughter and child of my mother.  She too needed love, play, fun, care, protection and help.  The first time I recall any of us being admitted in the Hospital was when she had malaria.  She was AA and growing up I was made to believe that people with A A genotype were prone to malaria.  She however recovered beautifully and life went on.  On the morning of 25th April 2012 from One side of Nigeria in Ibadan  I received A call that I'd prayed never to receive from the other side of Nigeria in Onitsha.  It was my brother-in-law  With tears he told me that my sister  Was no more!  Apparently I was the first to be called because  The lines of other family members were not connecting.  It was a da...
Jesus is Risen! Good morning beloved of God, Happy Easter... By the grace of God- Today is our First Term TLF General Meeting (April, August and December are months when we meet) Also today is to be our excursion and hospital visit but we still have not gotten enough in cash donations, and none in kind (items we can give to the hospital staff and patients). The children are very understanding and they are the true treasures of TLF (though one didn't flush the toilet very well yesterday, only for me to discover it this morning!) However I must thank you all for your love, prayers, kindness and good wishes. By 12 noon today we'd conclude on whether or not we will/can go Gleanings from Our Daily Bread "Washed Clean" by Lisa M. Samra,  By rejecting God and turning to idols (Jeremiah 2:13), Jeremiah declared that the people of Israel had caused a permanent stain in their relationship with God: “‘Although you wash yourself with soap and use an abundan...
Greetings,  Join us to celebrate yet another birthday of one of us today-  Happy birthday to Lady Claire  Even as you mark another birthday today,  we pray God grants you many more years with joy, love, peace, grace and mercy.  May your family and friends give you joy and comfort.  May you enjoy your social life and work life.  May you receive satisfaction in all your doings.  In Jesus name, amen. Happy birthday madame.  Celebrate with a smile 💝. TLF 💚
Sometime again in December 2015 TLF had its First Fund Rising and Awards Day. We sent out invites and fund raising appeal letters. We contracted caterers for snacks, and we bought the drinks. We graciously got the Hall free courtesy of my mother's goodwill. Jessica came with 2 special invitees, Pagha-iye came, Seger graciously did the work of an impromptu citation reader, Divine helped with the camera and I was the technician.  Our Award recipients came with the exception of 2. But 2 people I wish to mention here are Kristen and Somadina.  I incorporated Kristen to help in the organisation and she invited her friend Somadina to help with the MC. I believe a labourer deserves his wages and when I can't pay, I ask before work if the person will be willing to do it at no cost, so I don't owe, disappoint or end up borrowing to pay! Somadina said we should pay anything! He not only performed fantastically but he also helped in packing and arranging and doing other thi...
Dearly beloved,  In this month we would be God's grace -  ♡ Visit to a public hospital to make donations (minimum of N15,000), pray with the patients and the staff  ♡ Take the children at the Centre on our monthly Excursion (minimum of N8000)  ♡ Share our tracts, books, Bibles, CDs and other items on the streets  ♡ Send out Fund Raising Letters  ♡ Hold our first General Meeting (minimum of N5000)  ♡ Host Members of our community for a film show and TED talks viewing (minimum of N5000, diesel and others)  ♡ Create awareness of the on going Tetanus vaccination (minimum of N1000)  ♡ Encourage qualified people to donate blood at the NBTS (minimum of N5000, transport and food)  ♡ Share videos on some of the health issues raised, and share live testimonies from survivors of cancer, rabies, and others  ♡ We welcome short articles, videos, pictures, write ups and others on the health issues we have highlighted -  1. Autism...
Greetings in love,  There are many things God could give us to help us through life’s challenges, such as material comfort, healing, or immediate solutions to our problems. Sometimes He does. But the best gift He gives is Himself. This is the greatest comfort we have: whatever happens in life, He will be with us; He will never leave nor forsake us. "Are You There?" By Leslie Koh  We must count our blessings, I choose to count my blessings personally in my life and count those numerous ones of TLF and the ones I know about in the life of our friends, members and trustees.  What do you choose to do? Wishing you a lovely time.  TLF 💚
INFORMATION Alert, Acknowledgement and Feedback are some of the things that make up information.  When we make an appeal, we get responses from friends, members and benefactors. We have the duty to acknowledge receipt by sending a text message or direct WhatsApp message. We often use text message through our bulk SMS platform on Sadly, we had been doing this without any feedback that these messages were actually received. We only get feedback from the bulk SMS providers. So I decided to test it and send a text to myself. Lo and behold up to the time I'm sending this message, I have not received the message. All the while we have been paying for and using the bulk SMS to send messages acknowledging the receipt of donations sent to us via our bank, not knowing that the donors probably did not receive it. Growing up we were taught to say thank you after eating not just as appreciation for food, but also as a sign and acknowledgement that we have eaten or...

World Health Day

World Heath Day  It's #WorldHealthDay!  In some cultures it’s traditional to make a wish on your birthday. Today, on our birthday, @WHO’s wish is for universal health coverage for everyone, everywhere. #HealthForAll  April 7 of each year marks the celebration of World Health Day. From its inception at the First Health Assembly in 1948 and since taking effect in 1950, the celebration has aimed to create awareness of a specific health theme to highlight a priority area of concern for the World Health Organization.  Over the past 50 years this has brought to light important health issues such as mental health, maternal and child care, and climate change. The celebration is marked by activities which extend beyond the day itself and serves as an opportunity to focus worldwide attention on these important aspects of global health Over the years the WHO has adopted various themes to mark the day. These themes have been-  2007: Internatio...
Greetings,  Join us as we celebrate with our dear brother and friend Desmond Oriakhogba on attaining the highest academic pursuit of his Doctor of Philosophy in Law.  Desmond Oriakhogba, phd is a donor, friend and strong support of TLF.  Words are not enough to describe this erudite gentleman. We will literally sleep here! So with few words I say hearty congratulations to our dear brother, friend and distinguished Doctor of Philosophy, in Law. May God bless you in Jesus name, amen.  Let's hear from Dr. Des.  "11 March 2019  And it came to pass! Today, I received the very wonderful news of the approval of my PhD thesis by the Doctoral Degrees Board of the University of Cape Town, South Africa. With this, my PhD research journey which started in 2016 has come to a very positive end. I dedicate this great milestone to the evergreen memory of my late parents Sgt Johnbull Iyere and Mrs Roseline Iyere (this is what they always wanted ...
Good morning friends and members,  Let's never grow weary of thanking God Almighty for those little things which are actually the essence of life- life, breath, water, food, shelter, covering and love!  April is our time for our first term meeting in TLF this year God willing our meeting will be coming up on the 22nd which is Easter Monday, 3.30pm to 5pm At our temporary office/centre Come one come all  Also, our excursion for this month will come up Thursday 18th 3pm When we will be taking members of the TLF centre mostly children to visit 2 major places and learn new insights to the works of charity and social development  Again, our donation as a group this month will be to the Oronsaye Orphanage. We would like to give minimum of N15,000 and other items we can gather  Also, in line with our theme which is Who's WHO where we will centre our discussions, posts, pictures, videos and commentaries on any issue of health, we call on everyone to send us ar...
Greetings,  Right from childhood I'd seen people, children who stood out due to their behaviour that just didn't seem usual.  Little did I know about autism.  It is even still not clear about the difference between Autism and Down Syndrome. In commemoration of #WAAD, on the 2nd of April 2019, Secretary-General António Guterres of the UnitedNations said, “On World Autism Awareness Day, we speak out against discrimination, celebrate the diversity of our global community and strengthen our commitment to the full inclusion and participation of people with autism.  Supporting them to achieve their full potential is a vital part of our efforts to uphold the core promise of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: to leave no one behind.”  Havana Specialist Hospital takes his message a step further by this piece; imploring you to speak out for people living with autism every day.  It is on this note that we bring you "Shocking Facts You Probably Ne...
CONTACT US:  Emails -;  Twitter - @Tlovefoundation  Blog -  Facebook - Tina Love Foundation  LinkedIn – Tina Love Foundation  Nairaland – TLoveFoundation  Whatsapp/Call – 2348 098 598 075 

UN days in April

UN Days UNITED NATIONS This day is observed by the United Nations. The United Nations designates specific days, weeks, years and decades as occasions to mark particular events or topics in order to promote, through awareness and action, the objectives of the Organization. Usually, it is one or more Member States that propose these observances and the General Assembly establishes them with a resolution. On occasion, these celebrations are declared by the specialized agencies of the United Nations, such as UNESCO, UNICEF, FAO, etc., when they concern issues that fall within the scope of their competencies. Some of them may be later adopted by the General Assembly. 2 April World Autism Awareness Day  (A/RES/62/139) Kindly watch Faith Jegede What I've learned from my autistic brothers 6 April International Day of Sport for Development and Peace  (A/RES/67/296) 7 April International Day of Reflection on the Genocide in Rwanda (A/RES/58/234) Kindly watch Sometimes...

April Theme

Who’s WHO? aka Health In the month of April we would be focusing on all aspects of Health. Worldwide the World Health Organisation is the arm of the United Nations that oversees the health sector. Although the days commemorating various health issues run through the year, we would as an NGO harmonise all the days and centre our activities, write ups and cardinal projects on health matters. 4 February World Cancer Day 21 March World Down Syndrome Day  (A/RES/66/149)  24 March World Tuberculosis Day  [WHO]   2 April World Autism Awareness Day  (A/RES/62/139) 7 April World Health Day  [WHO]  (WHA/A.2/Res.35) 25 April World Malaria Day [WHO] 28 April World Day for Safety and Health at Work 31 May World No-Tobacco Day [WHO] (WHA Resolution 42.19) 14 June World Blood Donor Day  [WHO]  (WHA Resolution 58.13) 28 September World Rabies Day [WHO] 10 October World Mental Health Day [WHO...