Every child has the inherent right to life, the States shall ensure, to the maximum, child survival and development. Every child has the right to a name and nationality from birth.
States shall ensure that each child enjoys full right without discrimination or distinctions of any kind.
Children should not be separated from their parents, unless by competent authorities for their well being.
Parents have the primary responsibility for a child’s upbringing, but States shall provide them with appropriate assistance and develop child-care institutions.
State shall protect child from physical or mental harm and neglect, including sexual abuse or exploitation.
Disabled children shall have the right to special treatment, education and care.
The child is entitled to the highest attainable standard of health.
States shall ensure that health care is provided to all children, placing emphasis on preventive measures, health education and reduction of infant mortality.
Primary education shall be free and compulsory; discipline in schools should respect the child’s dignity. Education should prepare the child for life in a spirit of understanding, peace and tolerance.
Children shall have time to rest and play and equal opportunities for cultural and artistic activities.
State shall protect the child from economic exploitation and work that may interfere with education or be harmful to health and well-being.
Children in detention should be separated from adults; they must not be tortured or suffer cruel and degrading treatment.
Children of minority and indigenous populations shall freely enjoy their own culture, religion and language.
(Extract from the Convention on the Rights of the Child- UNO, 20th November 1989). Psalm 127: 3 Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward.
May God grant us insight and understanding as He teaches us in His way, in Jesus name, amen.
January, 2012.
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