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Showing posts from March, 2012
In this month, TLF celebrates- Roland Aigbangbee . He is a member of the Tina Love Foundation. He is a lawyer and specialises in property law. He is a financier of TLF. He frequently asks about TLF and offers us prayers for the progress of our vision. He is reserved and dedicated. He is even tempered and noble. May he continue to be there for TLF and the society at large, even as we pray that God bless him and be with him, in Jesus name, amen. Osato March, 2012
In this month of March, TLF celebrates Salvation Army Salvation Army is an NGO which assists the physically challenged, ex-convicts, drug addicts, they rehabilitate prostitute, etc. They are located in different states in Nigeria, fr example in Oyo, Lagos, Edo States, Nigeria, etc. You are free to donate to them in cash or kind. God who sees in secret, would reward you. Thank you. Salvation Army is one of the places TLF participates with in terms of financial donation as well as other clothing items. Divine March, 2012.
happy new month!!! remember you can reach us on: or +234 8098598075 or 
                                  DO NOT BE FICKLE 1. Pray 2. Go to bed on time. 3. Get up on time so you can start the day un rushed. 4. Say No to projects that won't fit into 5. Delegate tasks to capable others. 6. Simplify and unclutter your life. 7. Less is more (But one is often not enough, two are often too many). 8. Allow extra time to do things and to get to places. Your time schedule or that will compromise your mental health 9. Pace yourself. Spread out big changes and difficult projects over time; don't lump the hard things all together. 10. Take one day at a time. 11. Separate worries from concerns. If a situation is a concern, let go of the anxiety. If you can't do anything about a situation, forget it. 12. Live within your budge. 13. Have backups; an extra car key in your wallet, an extra house key buried in t...
Jesus Christ died for you and I, but... some people still doubt this sacrifice while others abuse the great price Jesus paid to redeem us from eternal damnation and reconcile us back to our Creator and Father. May God grant us the grace to accept Jesus Christ into our hearts and lives as our Lord and Saviour, amen. Comics are to reach out to younger people and those of us that are more visual in our communication. May this month's comic bless you in Jesus name, amen. Tina. March, 2012.
EMOTIONAL REACTIONS “If I had only a short time to live, I would immediately contact all the people I had ever really loved, And I would make sure they knew I had really loved them. Then I would play all the records that meant most to me, And I would sing all my favourite songs. And oh! I would dance. I would dance all night. I would look at my blue skies and feel my warm sunshine. I would tell the moon and the stars how lovely and beautiful they are. I would say ‘goodbye’ to all the little things I own, my clothes, my books and my ‘stuff.’ Then I would thank God for the great gift of life, and die in his arms.” What would describe your predominant emotional reaction to your anticipated future? reflect? This month is a time for us to have a deeper spiritual retreat from other times and months. We reflect on the death of Jesus Christ for all mankind and our own when the time shall come, but by then, would we be ready? Death can come any time, but this should not scare us, as long as yo...