In the month of April, by the grace of God,
we hope to achieve the will of God.
Our 12 cardinal projects are as the Holy
Spirit leads which we strive to do every month are: Distribution of Bibles,
Distribution of Devotionals, Distribution of Books
(educational&inspirational), Distribution of CDs (songs, videos, data,
messages), Sending out motivational text messages, Sending out encouraging
emails, Organising seminars based on our theme for the month, Donations to
individuals&organisations, Organising film-shows&workshops,
Distribution of information (via tracts, posters, comics), Participation in
cash&kind in other charities, Publishing our write-ups (print media&internet
media- blog, social sites, etc).
TLF is incorporated for charity and social
development. Donate to our organisation for any of these projects in cash,
kind, advice, information and other ways. Thank you.
See below are some of the CDs we distribute,
because they are a source of broadcasting the right information we wish to see
circulate. If the songs you hear in your saloon, commercial bus or parties
upset your spirit as a child of God, why don’t you give out CDs with the right
kind of songs that edify? So also videos, messages and data (a combination of
songs, videos, messages, e-books, pictures, etc).
Romans 1: 16 For I am not ashamed of the
gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who
believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.
We thank God for Divine Glory Bookshop,
Radio Bible Class, and many others who have assisted in helping us get and
distribute CDs and their contents! TLF®
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