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Showing posts from March, 2015


In October of 2014 TLF had the joy of visiting Erelu Adebayor Children’s Home with Tina, Lucy and Anthony to celebrate his birthday. We met with the staff and the children of the household. It was a fun time to interact with the staff and children as we got to know more about what we all do! We blew balloons, sang, prayed and cut Anthony’s birthday cake! We invite you to make it a habit to regularly visit orphanages and children’s homes where you can visit and celebrate with the staff and children of such homes. It is something TLF does as an organization and its individual members. The more money and items taken the better, to the glory of God. We at TLF also visit homes, prisons, schools, and other needy persons. You can freely donate to our course- ü     For cash donations, please make a direct donation to: Tina Love Foundation GTB 0033315918 ü     Also for donation of items such as provisions, toiletries, clothes and shoes, etc please sen...

Our Profile for this Month

Sapphire- was a wrestler who died Though many people may not remember her because many more new wrestlers have come and gone since her demise, it is important to know those who shaped what we have now as WWE. Many children born in the 70’s to mid 90’s were often drawn to these wrestlers. In the wrestling industry she was not indispensible. But in life, Jesus died and rose again and ascended into heaven. Though He is not with us any more physically, no one else can take his place. Jesus is the Word of God and we can never dispense with that. If we want to live, we can never forget or get tired of hearing the gospel of Jesus Christ. Paul advices us that if we hear that there is a Messiah here or there we must be aware

... be wise

... on a lighter side


Many people think that when we are ill or something bad happens to us, God is punishing us for something wrong that we, or our family, have done. One day Jesus and his followers saw a man who was blind. He had never been able to see from the day he was born. His followers asked Jesus who had done wrong (sinned) to make this man blind. Was it the man or his parents? Jesus told them, "The man's blindness has nothing to do with the man's sin or his parents' sin. He is blind so that people will see God's power working." Jesus then healed the blind man. The man could see the world he had never seen before. We do not need to feel guilt or shame because we are ill or someone in our family is ill. If we are ill in our minds or bodies, we can ask God to help us and heal us. We can see his power working in our lives and learn to trust him. -          TLF
Do you know that a large percent of those who have come to Christ did so from TRACTS they received along the way! Tracts are simple paper fliers containing the Word of God to tell people everywhere of what love God the Father has for us. There are various tract groups. Support tract groups nearest to you, as it is freely given! Help share tracts today, you would help spread love! -          In love, TLF
Remember Tina Love Foundation in your financial planning for this month. Email us to set up an on-going giving plan. Donations to the Foundation are strictly for the mission and vision of the Foundation held in trust. -          TLF ®


As every fact and process in nature contains the mystery of creation and its duty for creature; may the power of God renew His grace of faith in us. - Be inspired, motivated and encouraged.

Fr. Anselm


Do you remember that: He became poor so that you can never be poor. He wore the crown of thorns that you might wear the crown of life. His garment was rented so that your garment can be mended. He was beaten so that your name can be written. He went through shame so that you can have fame. He received slaps so that you can become stars. He was bruised so that you can be used. His hands were nailed so that your hands can reign. His feet were nailed so that your feet can walk in victory. His side was pierced so that your side can be blessed. He became a curse for your course by dying on a cross. -          Be sensitive, sensible and loving.

Happy New Month

Happy New Month! In this new month you will enjoy freedom from fear, worry, disappointments, failure, lack, disease, oppression and disfavour. The Lord will replenish every lost ground and opportunity. It's your month of divine satisfaction.