Many people think that when we are ill or something bad happens to us, God is punishing us for something wrong that we, or our family, have done.
One day Jesus and his followers saw a man who was blind. He had never been able to see from the day he was born. His followers asked Jesus who had done wrong (sinned) to make this man blind. Was it the man or his parents?
Jesus told them, "The man's blindness has nothing to do with the man's sin or his parents' sin. He is blind so that people will see God's power working." Jesus then healed the blind man. The man could see the world he had never seen before.
We do not need to feel guilt or shame because we are ill or someone in our family is ill. If we are ill in our minds or bodies, we can ask God to help us and heal us. We can see his power working in our lives and learn to trust him.
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