Times are changing: 0’ clock, quarter to, half past
The message true no longer is preached of Christ,
His word, his life, the key to never-dying at the
Many say morality can make one good and true, how
well can that make one Christ-living?
The surety of heaven embodies not just morals; but
primarily, absolute faith in Jesus.
Then faith in Jesus guides the believer to not only
be moral in behavior; but be saved.
For the reason we have the son is that whilst he
died for us, the road to God can then be openly paved.
Morality can make one seemingly right, but
justification…comes by faith in Jesus
For the just to faith certainly shall live by;
knowing Christ in them is the hope of glory.
Forgive my lips to speak this way, but the truth to
speak it must; morality may guide you to believe fictitious
That you are good, you do not hurt anyone; you are
kind; that can be your story
Even those then, who profess to live for heaven,
have their standards compromised to the world
For then infected by the doctrine of “morally I’m
fine; they miss their first love who to them called.
I do not condemn morality or any of that sort
But as Christians preach Christ to all, he alone
guides all men to be godly moral, to be saved.
You make them miss the penultimate,
ultra-significant Jesus who is life eternal, eternally paved.
So then baptize them: in the name of the father, son
and spirit; then heaven to them will be craved.
- By Angelo Deklark
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