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Showing posts from September, 2016


We are a not-for-profit organization and we rely on God’s provisions to be a going concern. Our constitution allows us receive donations from genuine and honourable sources. No matter how small, we welcome donations in cash and kind. Please donate to us through our account: Tina Love Foundation Current Account Number 0033315918 Guaranty Trust Bank Plc Nigeria



ARE YOU TEACHABLE The Governor of North Carolina once complimented Thomas Edison on his creative genius. "I am not a great inventor," countered Edison. "But you have over 1,000 patents to your credit," the Governor stated. "Yes, but about the only invention I can claim is absolutely original, is the phonograph," Edison replied. "I'm afraid I don't understand," the Governor remarked. "Well," explained Edison, "I'm an awfully good sponge. I absorb ideas wherever I can and put them to practical use. Then I improve them until they become of some value. My ideas are mostly the ideas of other people who didn't develop them themselves." Edison was a lifelong learner. He stayed open, hungry for knowledge, and teachable. And to succeed, you must too. To know whether you're teachable, ask yourself: (1) Am I open to other people's thoughts and ideas? (2) Do I listen more than I talk? (3) Am I willi...

We Celebrate Creativity

Our Vision Is To See Society More Sensitive, Sensible and Loving

Be loving... there are people who don't know that marriage is a partnership and the man is the worker for whom the wife is the help mate. If a man fails to function and be responsible in his family, what would the woman be helping with? Thank God for the men who love their wives like Christ loves His church. Praise God for that.   Be sensible... do not engage in exam malpractice. What shall it profit you to cheat in exam and get caught or get caught later in life and be put to shame? The real shame is not failing, but cheating to pass. Why don't you strive to read and pass instead of cheating or failing? Do not ruin your destiny!   Be sensitive... there are people around who never had the opportunities we had. Why don't we understand their situation and make them comfortable? By supporting others on their course of life, we lift the burdens off each other's back. Be a light to the world, Jesus says.



OUR THEME FOR THIS MONTH IS EDUCATION We have as our focus the issue of education. Yes education can be formal and informal. But let us focus on what goes on in classrooms and on-line which enables people obtain certificates which implies that they have been educated. What do we use our education for? God willing our events for this month include: 1.           Film-show at UNIBEN. The movie to be shown is titled-  My Conclusion. DVDs will be given. 2.           Public Poll on Streets. Tracts will be given. 3.           Seminar at a Primary School where Books will be given. 4.           The Usual-     SMS\ Email\ Comic\ Poster\ Write-ups on various internet handles. Join us in praying for a successful month, with God’s blessings and provisions; that...


OUR THEME FOR THIS MONTH IS EDUCATION Tina Love Foundation is a not for profit organization registered for charity and social development. It started January 1 st 2005. We have 3 trustees and several friends. You are welcome to be a member or volunteer. What we do is to inspire, motivate and encourage people leading society to be more sensitive, sensible and loving to God’s glory. We are channels of God’s love and we do this via 12 cardinal projects done monthly in love- distribute Bible, devotionals, books, CDs, tracts, comics, paste posters, send SMS, emails, give out donations, organize seminars, workshops, lectures. Join us in our blog, facebook page, linkedin, twitter, send us your email and numbers so you can receive our messages. Furthermore, visit our office and obtain a form, fill it and talk with us. For more information or feedback contact us +2348 0985 98075;