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Showing posts from September, 2018

Inspire Motivate Encourage. ..

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Goodafternoon beloved, I received this message and chose to modify and ruminate on it- A true professor who goes beyond just teaching academics but life lessons at his class began to talk to a student sitting in front and asked him, “If I squeeze this orange, what will I get?” He answered, “Juice!” The professor said, “Don’t you think I could squeeze apple juice from the orange?” Laughing, he said “No.” He repeated his question, “Why? Why would I get orange juice from an orange?” He answered, “Well, it is an orange, and that is what it has on the inside.” The professor nodded and said, “That’s right! Let’s think that this is not an orange, but it is you. Someone puts pressure on you and says something you don’t like. You get offended. Fear, bitterness, hatred, and anger come out of you. Why did this happen?” The student answered, “Because those things are on the inside.” Now we have to consider what’s inside of you and me, because the Bibke says in Matthew 15:18 that, ...
Dear friends who have not been given to a reprobate heart and mind, There is absolutely nothing wrong in speaking in love to ANYONE old or young, familiar or stranger, who you think ought to know or those who are still learning, or one who is going along the path of wrong and destruction. After all a way may seem right to them but it leads to destruction and you know it!😯 Judge that you won't be judged (Matthew 7:1) is a verse that must be read along with with 'removing the error/log in your eyes first' (Matthew 7:5)- if not, not even your parents, teachers or clergy can correct or instruct you! God disciplines those He loves. Love your neighbours as yourself. Do unto others what you like done to you. The measure with which you judge others is what will be used for you. Judge righteous judgment (John 7:24). Unless you are not sure of your stand in God or you are enjoying your weakness, surrendering to your sins, enabling your little foxes, enthroning your falls...

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Charles Haddon Spurgeon said, "Nearness to God is our conscious security. A child in the dark is comforted by grasping (his or her parent's) hand" Goodmorning beloved of God, I pray we experience this closeness to God in every dark and unexplainable situation of our lives, in Jesus name, amen. Today at our centre we would be having an orientation for members of our community. It's something we hope to do often in order to tell new people what we do and get their involvement. People call and ask us how they can register after they have seen our posters around. So we have invited all these people. We pray for good weather. It's been raining and it's challenging getting to the centre because of the road. Join us to pray for a safe, successful and satisfactory orientation. Meanwhile God keeping us, we would be visiting 4 schools starting from next week as Public schools will be resuming for a new session. We have talk to talk, and filmshow to show, and sc...