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Showing posts from February, 2020
#February #SocialJustice

Month's Review

Special Greetings to all the Leap Year Birthday Celebrants. Happy birthday to you as you celebrate on this wonderful 29th day of February!!! #February #SocialJustice 
Thank you for all your support in this month of February. To God's glory we have achieved a lot.  #February #SocialJustice #WalkWithUs
We invite you to donate and support genuine Charity Organisations around you. We invite you to visit and donate to the cause of CHIPROM Thank you and God bles you TLF
“Being Human Beings” By Elisa Morgan All of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble. 1 Peter 3:8 When asked to define his role in a community that was sometimes uncooperative with law enforcement, a sheriff didn’t flash his badge or respond with the rank of his office. Rather he offered, “We are human beings who work with human beings in crisis.” His humility—his stated equality with his fellow human beings—reminds me of Peter’s words when writing to first-century Christians suffering under Roman persecution. Peter directs: “All of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble” (1 Peter 3:8). Perhaps Peter was saying that the best response to humans in crisis is to be human, to be aware that we are all the same. After all, isn’t that what God Himself did when He sent His Son—became human in order to help us? (Phil. 2:7). Gazing only at the core of our fallen heart...
#February #SocialJustice #WalkWithUs
Health Picture Remember that this month is the Cancer Awareness Month for WHO and many other Health Centred Organisations. Sadly TLF has had friends and family who died as a result of cancer in various forms. We pray God blesses their memories and all left to remember them. We pray God keeps us from cancer and all its sadness and pain. We thank God for our firends and families in TLF who have overcome cancer and we rest assured that it is permanent in Jesus name, amen.   Encourage your friends and family to fight against the social injustice that makes healthcare inaccessible for many in urban and rural areas. Also support those who provide for good health as individuals, NGOs and Churches.  Regular check-ups improves health, life, confidence and relationships. #February #SocialJustice #WalkWithUs
#February #SocialJustice #WalkWithUs

Health Picture

#February #SocialJustice #WalkWithUs
African Child in Human Zoo. Brussel, Belgium We will like to know if justice was ever done for this young girl who was put on display in a zoo with other animals in cages. If you know the full story or another version, kindly share with us via #February #SocialJustice #WalkWithUs
Pray for Our Donor Loved of God, Thank God for success in our works of charity and social development. God bless us and bless our endeavours, In Jesus name, amen. Let's give a shout out to Smart esq. and his lovely family. Let's celebrate God's grace and mercy upon his life and family. Let's pray that he shall be blessed abundantly with God always on his side In Jesus name, amen. We remember him for his donation of a DVD to TLF and helping to paint and floor our first temporary office, among many other things. #pray for one another #February #SocialJustice #WalkWithUs
What will it profit any Charity Organisation or Foundation or NGO to help people in this world with education, health care, food, clothes and water but watch their souls perish after this life? In TLF we are interested first with your salvation, eternal life and stand in God, then we ensure you have sustenance just as the saints of old in the Acts of the Apostles. The ordinary men and women met together to pray and also share their goods with those who had nothing. This beautiful acts is what many missionaries carried on when they went around the world including Nigeria. They brought the gospel of Jesus Christ, as well as hospitals, schools and various ideas towards social development. We in TLF want you to seek first God's kingdom and all other things will be added unto you. like what? Good education, health, clothes, footwears, food, water, and many other things such as new beginnings, social justice, work, solidarity, and many others. Also as we build your spirit...
Funny Picture  #February #SocialJustice #WalkWithUs