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Showing posts from October, 2020
The theme for the month was #NonViolence with emphasis on October 2nd which is the UN day set aside to address issues of violence which cuts across various facets of the society- home, office, school, streets and among nations, and so on.  We focused on the issue of violence at home on our Facebook page but however on our WhatsApp group and Twitter we focused on the issue of police brutality and lent our voice and stand on the #EndSARS issue. With the resumption of school, we paid a scheduled visit to one of the public primary schools we are providing for and participating in their SBMC. We were given a list of needs for the schools generally, the staff and then the students.  We drew our list and have started sending out letters for fund raising for our permanent Centre, TLF Van and for the school needs among our various financial needs.  Asides money we will be happy to receive the items as our brother ⁨Ifeanyi did some time ago. So the items are-  1. Locks for the...
 Finally, As the month of October ends today, let's look back and see that in actuality this month was very eventful.  For me it was, personally, generally and nationally, yes it was. My great uncle passed on, a childhood neighbour passed on under 40 years, we made numerous picture frames and handmade cards,  at our Arts and Crafts day at the TLF Centre and many other things, so so so numerous in these past 31 days! Wonderful. God is awesome.  Generally, there was a very serious protest-cum-riot that rocked the most part even attracting foreign sympathy and interest. There was attack by the armed forces and the cost of foodstuffs skyrocketed. Crime rate also increased with impunity. Also ASUU is still on strike and the secondary and primary schools have had on and off resumption.  However, the cases of covid19 greatly reduced.  Nationally, Nigeria marked 60 years of independence. We celebrated many creative Nigerians with their ingenious ideas like the lad...
 So today I had various encounters in our Centre.  First a lot of people came to ask for water. With the new electricity connection in the Centre, we are hard press to use of card discreetly. Well I thank God for borehole and access to water so the gates were flung open and they fetched to almost infinity! Just on the lighter side.  Secondly was cutlass! Just like some of our items in TLF we utilise to raise funds for the Foundation via our registered business, I also use my many many tools for rental! But after pulling the old lady's leg I gave her, I knew I won't charge her but I wanted her to know it's purpose.  Thirdly was garri! Yes oh garri oh, my Nigeria, turning very hard working people with a sense of prudence and dignity to people who need to crawl for basics. Just as I saw the crowd in the Secretariat of my profession when covid19 reliefs were shared, I also saw the multitudes that thronged Jos, Kaduna, Ilorin, Lagos, Benin and several other states in sear...
 This is to acknowledge the receipt of a very kind donation from Mrs Egie.  She on her own contacted me to ask if we had any pressing issue even if it is outside of TLF.  I replied her with various options and she has so graciously sent a very kind donation for us to use for our numerous charity, social developmental and Centre running costs.  Please join us to pray for her that God Almighty will bless and replenish her in Jesus name, amen.  TLF 💚
Raymond Egboigbe Jesus Igwe is 50 today hurray! My Lord my God, I give you all adoration and honour. You're great indeed. You made me cross over another 365 days on planet earth and it's marvelous in my sight.  I give you all the glory forever as I turn 50 today. My golden jubilee which I once dreamt of has today been fulfilled.  I look up to you to see through many more years to come as I remain sound and healthy and strong to carry my soul and body to the end as they will not fail prematurely but to stay healthy for my spirit to remain intact and not check out untimely. I will continue to speak of your glory forever Lord.  Beloved please join my family and I to celebrate and honour this wonderful God for all of His deeds in my life.  I ndeed I am feeling 50.  Thank you Jesus!
Today is 15th October and it's International Day of Rural Women (A/RES/62/136)  Why are rural women separated from urban women? Why do they have a special day? Why was the Better Life for Rural Women in Nigeria in the late 80s and early 90s not sustained? What have rural women been made to face in recent times? Are they only 'good' for victims of banditry, flood, violence or oppression and photo opps?  Rural women are you and I women who decided not to migrate to the city but stay to build their communities in several ways- teaching, farming, fishing, tie and dying, crafting, trading and other laudable endeavours including raising proper families. Support rural women Don't abuse women Protect rural women Rural women are not witches or evil TLF is asking for donations in cash and kind to reach out to rural women. I have started gathering clothes and other things I'll share in the rural areas I'd visit this period. You can join me! God will reward you.  Genera...
  Theme Our thematic issues for this month is #Non-Violence aka Girls to Women The issue of violence can spread from domestic issues such as child and spousal violence in the family unit to world issues on violence such as terrorism. But we must realise that both at the domestic level and world level, the child, especially the female child, and women are mostly the victims on the receiving end of all such violence. Violence cuts across several factors. In this month however, as we focus on violence, the prevention thereof and standing against therein, we want to also agitate for the celebration, protection and care of the girl child and women. Thanks God loves us all. #October #Non-Violence aka Girls to Women #WalkWithUs TLF
New Month Picture     #October #Non-Violence aka Girls to Women #WalkWithUs