Finally, As the month of October ends today, let's look back and see that in actuality this month was very eventful.
For me it was, personally, generally and nationally, yes it was. My great uncle passed on, a childhood neighbour passed on under 40 years, we made numerous picture frames and handmade cards, at our Arts and Crafts day at the TLF Centre and many other things, so so so numerous in these past 31 days! Wonderful. God is awesome.
Generally, there was a very serious protest-cum-riot that rocked the most part even attracting foreign sympathy and interest. There was attack by the armed forces and the cost of foodstuffs skyrocketed. Crime rate also increased with impunity. Also ASUU is still on strike and the secondary and primary schools have had on and off resumption.
However, the cases of covid19 greatly reduced.
Nationally, Nigeria marked 60 years of independence. We celebrated many creative Nigerians with their ingenious ideas like the lady below.
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