We invite you to donate to the Tina Love Foundation (TLF) in order for us to have more to do more. When you donate to worthy courses and causes, you reap the benefits now and hereafter and become part of the success story. In TLF we have worthy causes that need financial support - yours and mine! You can kindly contact us for more details via @Tlovefoundation or tinalovefoundation@gmail.com or make a direct transfer to our GTB (GTCO) Account: Tina Love Foundation 0033315918 GTB (GTCO) Please send us an email so we can acknowledge receipt to ensure we got it! Thank you. Tina For: TLF
Tina Love Foundation TLF is an organisation set up for charity and social development. With funds, support and donations, we can reach out to the needy physically, intellectually, emotionally and so on to better their lives and better the society. We believe without the love of God charity will not be sustainable or attainable. With charity, society can be developed. God is love and Jesus loves us.