Our thematic issue for this month is Solidarity.
It is the last month of the year and by this time we have covered all the relevant days marked by the United Nations to bring awareness to different life issues. What we have done in TLF is to harmonise these different days from each month and place under a theme for each month. Being the final month, you would notice that even some of the days set aside for the month of December have been dealt with earlier in the year under a relevant theme.
In this month we would see how advocating for Zero Discrimination Day is key to achieving solidarity among the only superior race- the human race.
Also consider the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination who would know that by this time of the 21st century we would still be addressing injustices and issues of racism?
Look at the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development it is set aside to celebrate and advance our individual cultural diversities that are not repugnant to natural justice, good conscience, public policy or the Word of God (Holy Bible), and how these can facilitate social development.
Solidarity helps understand that such issues such as racism and discrimination and World Suicide Prevention Day are essential to be discussed and looked into to ensure that the human race is preserved and catered for. This will encourage the celebration of the International Day for Tolerance.
Solidarity tells us that the riches man according to Forbes and the poorest man according to people’s research are both human. What we see as out of the ordinary are the very things that make the world diverse and God omniscient- we cannot understand why! Consider the Albinos, the Persons with Disabilities, the poor, the needy, those with medical conditions, the uneducated, unexposed, city dwellers and all, the International Day of neutrality tells us that we should consider everyone like us. Love your neighbour as yourself. Look out for one another’s interests and not just for our own individually.
Finally, let us take this last issue of International Human Solidarity Day theme of the month of TLF very seriously as it is the bases of the entire humanity the Foundation serves in the name of the Lord.
We urge us in love to pick one of the issues under our theme for the month and help share messages, videos, pictures and matters for discussion and development of action plans under any of the issues.
Let's try and review the need for Solidarity and the ideal of oneness which God says in His Word with regards the Holy Trinity, and let’s see how it improves acts of charity and social development.
God loves us all.
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