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It is a wrap! October down November rising up!

 Greetings in love,

It has been an amazing time since the past months of September and October and we thank God for His greatness.

Remember that our mission is to inspire, motivate and encourage people to live right for a better society.

Living right cuts across all facets of life which must start with our own personal and individual lives. We cannot give what we do not have. We cannot give love if we do not have love. But what is love?

In TLF we believe God is love. God is the Author and Finisher of our faith and He lives and reigns over the affairs of men (humans). We are not an Incorporated Trusteeship for religious purposes but our activities are founded on the believe in a God of love Who created the heavens and the earth.

This is why our motto inspired by Romans 13:10 reminds us that the ultimate law is love. The end of the matter is to fear God. All our laws, policies, activities, destinies, purposes, ideals and on and on culminate in the love of God and our neighbours as ourselves.

Any stand you take that challenges this ultimate law must be reviewed to be jettisoned. The imbalance of societal class, economic stratification and cultural differences is what makes Foundations struggle to achieve their visions. If we as individuals embrace love in our daily activities, in all aspects, our activities will be minimal.

Hence, we would not need to have more hungry people to feed, the poor to clothe, the abandoned to resettle, the sick to pay bills, the needy to raise funds for, the indigents to link up for jobs and employment, neither would we need to minister in prisons or schools. We would be living right in a society of justice, love and peace.

But this has been our bane in desperate times such as these, where food is now not common and some people justify wickedness as being safe and crimes as being smart. This, since the months of September and October in TLF we have dealt with more people who came to us for food, school needs, medical needs among several other needs.

Although Primary and Secondary schools did not resume here in our temporary base in the month of September, we still had outreaches for students prior to their resumptions. We also still had our engagements online on the theme #Literacy or #Learning.

In the month of October where our theme centered on issues of #NonViolence and #Women and #Girls, we met with several challenges in carrying out activities on this theme online, in our temporary Centre and in our outdoor activities. In it we still thank God for all He enabled us to do.

We look forward to November and December by God's grace trusting that it would be a wrap at the end of the year as we would be bowing out of a year of progress to be ushered into another year being 2025, as a year of greater progress.

Despite the highs and lows of the year thus far,we still have myriads of what we are grateful to God for. We invite you to join us and other genuine Incorporated Tristees and individuals in making the world a better place for us. Know that -

Orphanages still need assistance.

Schools still need visitations.

Correctional Centres still need outreaches.

Hospitals still have patients who need help.

NGOs, Foundations, Charities, CSOs, Churches and others can't do without your participation.

The TLF as a  microcosm of a solution provider for charity and social development, has welcomed and still welcomes like-minded persons to join our Board of Trustees, members, volunteers and friends. We also appreciate donations in cash, kind, information and ideas. We continue to reach out via our online platforms and urge you to follow us and join us on these platforms which include Facebook, X, LinkedIn, Blog, WhatsApp, etc, our outreaches and activities in our temporary Centre. 

We acknowledge the generosity of our donors and friends. We have received donations in bags of garri, plantain, rice, beans, devotionals, refreshments for children, WiFi and data access,  discounted services, and so on and so forth.We say a big thank you. We would not expend time and energy recounting and detailing the challenges, legal and policy battles, financial constraints, pausity of funds, hostility faced in fund raising, reduced access to transportations, lack of manpower and volunteers, inaccessible roads to our places of concern, bureaucratic bottlenecks, setbacks we have faced and the people who have stood against our course, we pray God would take control. We focus on love and pray for everyone and ourselves.

We look forward to November #Balance and in December #Solidarity. Like other themes, these themes are dear to us in TLF but these themes are also very delicate and sensitive. We welcome you to join us.

God bless you all.

... the ultimate law is love.


For: Tina Love Foundation (TLF)


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