1. Prisons
2. Channels, Guardian
3. Award, Christmas, End of Year
What these activities involve is that, we as TLF as well as the general public, we are encouraged to visit a prison during this end of year period and minister to them in terms of gifts, prayers, motivation and free legal aid and other voluntary assistance.
Then we would be grateful, whereby TLF gets publicity in a print and electronic media, and we choose the Guardian Newspapers and Channels TV.
Finally, we are planning an end of year party which we want to mark at Estate Primary School, BDPA in Benin City. Contribution of ideas, sponsorship and financial aid would be greatly appreciated. we would be needing gifts, refreshments, entertainment and the likes.
Thank you as you fly with us this last month of 2011.
Please find our details on this blog or reach us via telephone-
or email-
Osato Oguntosin
For the Trustees of Tina Love Foundation.
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