In the movie Gulliver’s Travels 2010 in the scene when the actor Jack Black quenches the fire in Lilliput by peeing on the fire, the king comes out saying, 'our saviour... the beast.' and the people all hail beast beast! beast! This is an indirect way of satan worshippers making people, especially young people to see the beast, the anti-Christ as a hero. The same Jack Black at one of the music award started the event by ‘praying to the devil", and many people in the audience joined him. He may be regarded as a comic character but what he is used to portray in the media is real and serious. It is not everything you should brush aside as mere lines in a movie, read between those lines. Movie personalities, especially the comical ones have great influence on our impressionable children. Read the book of Revelation in the Holy Bible for clarification!
- Be sensitive, sensible and loving.
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