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She's still WOMAN.
She is most fame! without her life cease to exist;
babies won't cry, nor sigh.
To beauty a plant made with a slant,
A flower blooming life's 'coons.
She will soon die,
but before she's gone another is born.
She's Spring fresh air,
the snow-white calm, the quiet midnight light.
The moon, the moon...
I heard her cry, "the moon, the moon,
The Moon I AM. I give light to the night."
Her womb fulfils the urge of the sperms' spill.
Her womb gives love to the night...
Her womb hugs the night.
Her moon covers her womb.
She taught many generations
not to abuse the pill, but to be for real.
Seniors and youth alike are cradled by her sight.
Her bosom holds your food;
her blood feeds you before you taste earth.
Might! Height! makes her visible and indispensable.
She is the KITE: just k-Keeping, i-It e-Excitingly right.
Yes, she flies! Sometimes she cries!
But, she never forgets to show her beauty with a smile...
Who is she? A man with a womb!
She's a WO-man...
#October #Non-Violence aka Girls to Women #JoinUs
She's still WOMAN.
She is most fame! without her life cease to exist;
babies won't cry, nor sigh.
To beauty a plant made with a slant,
A flower blooming life's 'coons.
She will soon die,
but before she's gone another is born.
She's Spring fresh air,
the snow-white calm, the quiet midnight light.
The moon, the moon...
I heard her cry, "the moon, the moon,
The Moon I AM. I give light to the night."
Her womb fulfils the urge of the sperms' spill.
Her womb gives love to the night...
Her womb hugs the night.
Her moon covers her womb.
She taught many generations
not to abuse the pill, but to be for real.
Seniors and youth alike are cradled by her sight.
Her bosom holds your food;
her blood feeds you before you taste earth.
Might! Height! makes her visible and indispensable.
She is the KITE: just k-Keeping, i-It e-Excitingly right.
Yes, she flies! Sometimes she cries!
But, she never forgets to show her beauty with a smile...
Who is she? A man with a womb!
She's a WO-man...
#October #Non-Violence aka Girls to Women #JoinUs
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