Loved of God,
I'm first of all a Christian and an individual.
So there are times I do my personal works of charity
But it's in times of these my personal waka waka that I come across needs of people that go beyond what an individual can do...
So TLF started!
January 1st 2005
Incorporated August 27th 2010
Non political, not religious, not tribal, non profit, not occultic.
We all may be able to feed one mouth, or ten or fifty, but what of a city? Can even government do so? I mean consistently?
Jesus fed 5000 people and I believe.
I also believe He said we can do greater things.
What are these greater things?
Charity and social development
I as an individual Tina can donate a large part of my income to one person who needs medical care or school aid or food to eat,
But 2 of us can help 2, 10 of us can help 10, and 210 of us can help 210.
I and indeed TLF do donate and work with other like minded NGOs, Foundations and charitable individuals as others who also join us. This is the chain of love and is what makes our charitable works have more impact.
How about social development?
Asides giving people food, medical support, or educational or otherwise we can empower!
What's empower? What does it really entail?
It is helping the needy get a job, or others to get customers, or get patronage, or get opportunities to make money in order to meet needs;
It is helping someone who has become uninspired from what God created him or her to do in this life.
Maybe he can counsel others out of depression, but he hides himself permanently in the corporate world he focuses on making money from only!
Or maybe she can write, write commentaries that can help counter the toxic materials scattered around the Internet and bookstores and stands and even the media, but she is giving the excuse that she is busy building her professional career and catering for family only!
So who are now the labourers Jesus told us to pray to God to send as the harvest is ripe?
Who will go out and do the work of charity and social development? Who? Those already there remember they also have careers to build, education to advance, families, vacations to go for, health to tend to and money to make also!
Social development and charity go hand in hand.
God gives bread to the eater and seed to the sower.
TLF and indeed each and everyone of us as individuals and a group can give food, clothes, money and a listening ear to those in need,
And also,
Create empowerment opportunities to make people capable of helping themselves, their families and those around them.
We can contribute to infrastructure - mount traffic signs, renovate clinics or crèches or school, among others.
We can set up public libraries and counselling booths to help addicts, suicidal people, warring families and depressed, among others.
All we do is what we have been convicted of the Holy Spirit about and what we have learnt from many other wonderful Foundations, NGOs, TV, Radio programmes, Books, Organisations and Individuals.
I'm first of all a Christian and an individual.
So there are times I do my personal works of charity
But it's in times of these my personal waka waka that I come across needs of people that go beyond what an individual can do...
So TLF started!
January 1st 2005
Incorporated August 27th 2010
Non political, not religious, not tribal, non profit, not occultic.
We all may be able to feed one mouth, or ten or fifty, but what of a city? Can even government do so? I mean consistently?
Jesus fed 5000 people and I believe.
I also believe He said we can do greater things.
What are these greater things?
Charity and social development
I as an individual Tina can donate a large part of my income to one person who needs medical care or school aid or food to eat,
But 2 of us can help 2, 10 of us can help 10, and 210 of us can help 210.
I and indeed TLF do donate and work with other like minded NGOs, Foundations and charitable individuals as others who also join us. This is the chain of love and is what makes our charitable works have more impact.
How about social development?
Asides giving people food, medical support, or educational or otherwise we can empower!
What's empower? What does it really entail?
It is helping the needy get a job, or others to get customers, or get patronage, or get opportunities to make money in order to meet needs;
It is helping someone who has become uninspired from what God created him or her to do in this life.
Maybe he can counsel others out of depression, but he hides himself permanently in the corporate world he focuses on making money from only!
Or maybe she can write, write commentaries that can help counter the toxic materials scattered around the Internet and bookstores and stands and even the media, but she is giving the excuse that she is busy building her professional career and catering for family only!
So who are now the labourers Jesus told us to pray to God to send as the harvest is ripe?
Who will go out and do the work of charity and social development? Who? Those already there remember they also have careers to build, education to advance, families, vacations to go for, health to tend to and money to make also!
Social development and charity go hand in hand.
God gives bread to the eater and seed to the sower.
TLF and indeed each and everyone of us as individuals and a group can give food, clothes, money and a listening ear to those in need,
And also,
Create empowerment opportunities to make people capable of helping themselves, their families and those around them.
We can contribute to infrastructure - mount traffic signs, renovate clinics or crèches or school, among others.
We can set up public libraries and counselling booths to help addicts, suicidal people, warring families and depressed, among others.
All we do is what we have been convicted of the Holy Spirit about and what we have learnt from many other wonderful Foundations, NGOs, TV, Radio programmes, Books, Organisations and Individuals.
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