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Showing posts from May, 2020

Message Picture

 Are we guilty of this? Hope we have benefitted from our theme for this month? #May #Communication #WalkWithUs TLF

TLF Activities

Several years ago we had a film-show in Ekosodin and the feedback was good. We look forward to many more of such TLF outdoor activities. We communicate good for the good of society1 you and I are part of the society. If we do good and good exists in the society we will all benefit from it. We thank God for our new projector, our repaired screen, our mobility, our re-designed lighting system, our serviced fuel generator, our newly rewired speakers and our ever ready amplifier and DVD! We are good to go with more sensitising film shows! #May #Communication #WalkWithUs TLF
Uwaila Vera Omozuwa should never be forgotten  May 31st 2020 May you receive justice and be remembered in love 

ODB Picture

#May #Communication #WalkWithUs TLF

TLF Pictures

We look forward to our 10th Anniversary come 27th August 2020 God willing #May #Communication #WalkWithUs TLF


Thank You Picture

Thank God for May Let’s keep the communication going Continue in commitment to walk with us #May #Communication #WalkWithUs TLF

Month Review

In this May we as an NGO have engaged in issues surrounding #Communication. We have discussed several facets of communication as well as highlighted the good and the bad. We said that on one hand communication is key in every aspect of life as well as for the growth of generation o generation. On the other hand we have condemned the negative sides which include gossip, rumour, fake news and incitement.  In this month we have put together various United Nations’ Days of celebrating communication sub-themes into one, such as World Telecommunication and Information Society Day, World Development Information Day, International Day for Universal Access to Information, International Day of Light, World Radio Day, World Television Day, World Press Freedom Day, International Day of Sign Languages, International Translation Day and also importantly World Teachers’ Day.   We continued in our works of charity especially in the pandemic by sharing food and other it...

Month-end Picture

No matter how May went, things will get better, Prayerfully say amen. #May #Communication #WalkWithUs TLF
Politics Picture Although democracy day has been moved to June 12, today remains an important day in the history of Nigeria’s politics. On this day some years ago, the Military handed over to democratically elected leaders, and so it has been every 4 years since then. Whether we believe in elections or their results, we are affected by the decisions and indecisions of the political leaders in Nigeria. So what should you do? Pray for the leaders. Let us hope that they communicate more with us and match their words with actions! #May #Communication #WalkWithUs TLF
Whatsapp Message Ephraim Abutu:  Indeed communication is vital in every human life and we must be mindful of the kind of information we pass out. That is why the holy book warned that when one is happy or sad s/he must be mindful of his outspoken words.  Majority of those living in the rural areas are not opportune to this not because they don’t need it but because our government have failed in their duty to make it happen. And more reason rumour spread faster as well and whatever one tells the old man or woman in the village, he or she will believe it because it is the only means of information he has received. So, we that have the opportunity must be a positive carrier not negative. Before you passed out any information, kindly scrutinise the source you received it before sending it to the public. A lot of people have died of fake rumour or wrong information. So as learned people, we must be at the helm of passing out valid information, extracting the fact from the rumo...
In the race of life,  never ignore the minor issues for they often form the ingredients for a firm foundation that translates to the major achievement. Herein lies the true meaning of diligence.  Seest thou a man diligent in his business: he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men. Proverbs 22:29. Before blaming people and circumstances of life,  pause and ask yourself the simple question: have I truly been diligent?  May the Lord grant us all understanding.  Shalom - Prof Clement Osime I'd like to urge us to pay up our membership dues. God knows that success is not from crowd. I still ponder on the instances of Gideon and David, Daniel and Jehoshaphat 🤔 TLF once had a lot of people as benefactors, members and volunteers but our number has dwindled. Our WhatsApp group is less than a tenth of what it was this time last year. This is because we are moving towards commitment and eschewing crowd following. I want God to always have the g...
Folder Message A Word: A careless word may kindle strife. A cruel word may wreck a life, A bitter word may hate instill; A brutal word may smite and kill, A gracious word may smooth the way; A joyous word may light the day. A timely word may lessen stress; A loving word may heal and bless. Turn the tables- the luggage-laden husband stared miserably down the platform at the departing train. 'If you hadn't taken so long getting ready.' He sadly admonished his wife, 'we would have caught that train!' 'Yes,' she replied, 'and if you had not hurried me so we wouldn't have so long to wait for the next one.' Famine and its cause- George Bernard Shaw, tall and slender, was once told by G. K. Chesterton who was noted for his rotundity: 'To look at you, Shaw, a person would think there was famine in England.' To which Shaw sarcastically retorted: ' Yes, and to look at you, he'd think you were the cause of it.' Some soldi...
TLF Centre News We acquired more books in December 2019 and we keep acquiring. We look forward to having more room space and book shelves as well as reading tables and chairs.  More importantly we want more people to utilise the library as much as they look forward to Friday which is our day of games and sports. #May #Communication #WalkWithUs TLF
Preventable death Preventable chaos We ask for justice for George Floyd and peace in America TLF

Charity Picture

Oh what a time to be born! Look at these items I was privileged to receive from my professional body and church archdiocese! I also received 2 months data from my FGBMFI chapters and cash from one of the landlords on the street where TLF is situate. All these and more were diverted to TLF majorly because truly God blesses us to be blessings on others. Comparing yourself with others is vain so the Bible says. If others can give 50kg bags of rice and 20,000 naira, let’s be happy and count it a privilege if we are able to give 3 cups of rice, 500 naira and 75cl bottle of oil or more so what we have. Charity is purely in the heart. It is strictly between you and God, and it is for the edification of you and I. God does not eat our food nor does He need our currencies so whatever we do we do to the lest of our brethren in Him. The widow gave a mite but it was her all. If we sow sparingly we will reap sparingly. But if we do bountifully, we too will receive bountifully. It is the me...

ODB Message

“Writing Letters” By  Amy Boucher Pye You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everyone. 2 Corinthians 3:2 My mother and her sisters engage in what is increasingly becoming a lost art form—writing letters. Each week they pen personal words to each other with such consistency that one of their mail-carriers worries when he doesn’t have something to deliver! Their letters brim with the stuff of life, the joys and heartaches along with the daily happenings of friends and family. I love to reflect on this weekly exercise of the women in my family. It helps me appreciate even more the apostle Paul’s words that those who follow Jesus are “a letter from Christ,” who were “written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God” (2 Cor. 3:3). In response to false teachers who wanted to discredit his message (see 2 Cor. 11), Paul encouraged the church in Corinth to keep on following the true and living God as he had previously taught. In doing so...
Happy Children's Day from all of us at TLF Thank you daddy, mummy, uncles and aunties for your love, prayers, guidance,  donations and lessons in the fear of God.  2 Timothy 3: 14 But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them;  15 And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. May God bless our little children, in Jesus name, amen! Tina Love Foundation

Theme Bible Verses

Proverbs 12: 19 Truthful lips endure forever, but a lying tongue is but for a moment. 22 Lying lips are an abomination to the LORD, but those who act faithfully are his delight. Proverbs 13: 5 A righteous man hates falsehood, but a wicked man acts shamefully and disgracefully. Proverbs 19: 5 A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who utters lies will not escape. 22 What is desired in a man is loyalty, and a poor man is better than a liar. Proverbs 20: 17 Bread gained by deceit is sweet to a man, but afterward his mouth will be full of gravel. Proverbs 21: 6 The getting of treasures by a lying tongue is a fleeting vapor and a snare of death.  Psalms 101:5 Him who slanders his neighbour secretly I will destroy. The man of haughty looks and arrogant heart I will not endure. 7 No man who practices deceit shall dwell in my house; no man who utters lies shall continue in my presence. Proverbs 6: 16 There are six things which the LORD hates, seven which are an abomi...

Health Picture

Kindly join us to pray for the quick recovery of our dear friends and family and others who are low in health or their loved ones. We pray with 3 John 2 that they be in good health and prosper as their souls prosper. We shall hear good news and read their testimonies in Jesus name, amen. #May #Communication #WalkWithUs TLF

Message Picture

James 3:  5 So the tongue is a little member and boasts of great things. How great a forest is set ablaze by a small fire! 6 And the tongue is a fire. The tongue is an unrighteous world among our members, staining the whole body, setting on fire the cycle of nature, and set on fire by hell. 7 For every kind of beast and bird, of reptile and sea creature, can be tamed and has been tamed by humankind, 8 but no human being can tame the tongue--a restless evil, full of deadly poison. 9 With it we bless the Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who are made in the likeness of God. 10 From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brethren, this ought not to be so. #May #Communication #WalkWithUs TLF

ODB Picture

#May #Communication #WalkWithUs
Gossip! Matthew 12: 34 You brood of vipers! how can you speak good, when you are evil? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. 37 for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned." Proverbs 16: 28 A perverse man spreads strife, and a whisperer separates close friends. Proverbs 17: 9 He who forgives an offense seeks love, but he who repeats a matter alienates a friend. Leviticus 19: 16 You shall not go up and down as a slanderer among your people, and you shall not stand forth against the life of your neighbour: I am the LORD. Proverbs 26: 20 For lack of wood the fire goes out; and where there is no whisperer, quarrelling ceases. 22 The words of a whisperer are like delicious morsels; they go down into the inner parts of the body. Proverbs 11: 13 He who goes about as a talebearer reveals secrets, but he who is trustworthy in spirit keeps a thing hidden. Psalms 34: 13 Keep your tongue from evil, and your lips from spea...

Creative Picture

We celebrate creativity. Covid19 has brought out many people’s creative spirits. Many people have been able to support charitable causes from creative art exhibitions and sales. Many others have also used their creative works to raise awareness on various laudable causes. Take for instance in our theme for this month, we have selected some creative art works that will help pass our message to us in an artistic way. Join our facebook page- TLF Creativity #May #Communication #WalkWithUs TLF
Funny Picture #May #Communication #WalkWithUs TLF

Pray for Our Donor

Loved of God, Thank God for success in our works of charity and social development. God bless us and bless our endeavours, in Jesus name, amen.  Let's pray for all our donors in prayers, cash, advice, suggestions, energy, links, kind and time. Let us pray that God blesses and replenishes them for all their efforts towards TLF. Even those who are anonymous and those who do what we may never know, may God bless them and bless us all, in Jesus name, amen. Please pray in particular for all our anonymous donors, unknown by us but most importantly known by God. #pray for one another #May #Communication #WalkWithUs TLF

Kindly Donate

We encourage engagements, contributions and support for our activities on the Internet, in our Centre and our outreaches around the states. Please bear in mind that money is essential in every family, Foundation, organisation and even charities. We welcome donations in cash and kind, endowment and referrals. We also welcome volunteers and stipend support for those already volunteering. Tina Love Foundation  Guaranty Trust Bank  0033315918 ... Thank you in advance for your thought, intention, goodwill, prayer and action! Remember God loves you, so no matter what, know that  ... the ultimate law is love Romans 13:10. #May #Communication #WalkWithUs TLF

World Communications Day

We are happy that this day falls within the month of May, the month dedicated to #Communucation in TLF Culled from- - and edited to suit our Foundation's aim and objectives. What is World Communications Day? Every year on the Sunday before Pentecost the Catholic Church celebrates the achievements of the communications media and focuses of how it can best use them to promote gospel values.  World Communications Day was established by Pope Paul VI in 1967 as an annual celebration that encourages us to reflect on the opportunities and challenges that the modern means of social communication (the press, motions pictures, radio, television and the internet) afford the Church to communicate the gospel message. The celebration came in the wake of the Second Vatican Council, which realised it must engage fully with the modern world. It says: “The joys and the hopes, the griefs and the anguishes of the people of our time, especially...

Pray for Our Cause

This month's donation in TLF is to raise funds for The RBC Ministries also known as Our Daily Bread (ODB). Recall that we use most of their resources in TLF. Their free devotionals dating to 2004 till date are in our library as well as other materials.  We also use their online resources- pictures, messages and all. They have been in existence for more than 6 decades. We have visited their Nigerian office in Lagos.  They solicit and need donations in order to keep their resources free of charge for all to access. They also have school and prison ministries and help translate God's Word into several languages for universal access to the truth of God's Word in this world and beyond.  Remember just yesterday we shared with you the UN day of universal access to information. Today we all have the opportunity to key into this international ministry and help touch lives. You can donate directly to them through- Our Daily Bread Intl Trust Ministry Guaranty Trust Bank...

Join our Social Media

CONTACT US: Emails-; Twitter-  @Tlovefoundation Blog- Facebook-  www.Facebook.Com/TinaLoveFoundation LinkedIn-  Tina Love Foundation Nairaland-  TLoveFoundation Whatsapp/Call-  +2348 098 598 075 #May #Communication #WalkWithUs TLF

Funny Picture

Truly the irony of life #May #Communication #WalkWithUs TLF
Folder Message Ways To Show Courtesy even in Communication! 1. Don't you ever put a video call across or a social media call to someone especially a stranger at anytime or at an ungodly hour without seeking their permission. You don't know where they are at the time you're calling. Don't you! 2. In case you miss a call, drop a message as soon as possible if you're unable to call back and Reply messages that are sent to you. Everyone counts. 3. Turn the volume down when you're watching video, playing music or playing a game on your phone in a public place or, better use ear or headphones. 4. Don't press your phone or use headphones when someone is having a conversation with you. Especially your elders. It's a sign of disregard and disrespect. Unplug the headsets from your ears even if nothing is playing and give them your undivided attention. 5. When using someone else's phone or computer, don't go through their stuff without permissio...

Kick against Vices

Please and please let us not be a part of this. Why look forward to another’s misfortune and only comment when something bad happens? It is a vice! #May #Communication #WalkWithUs TLF

Weekly Outline

Mondays - General Counselling and Prayers *we would agree that there is an increase in wrong decisions being taken by many with regards life and death when things don't go well. There is a need for group circle meetings where strength can be pulled from like-minded people. It's the same way testimonies of believers help strengthen our faith. Tuesdays - Seminars and Workshops  *based on our monthly theme we have different sub-themes from which we need to address and formulate action plans as a group. These seminars and workshops also provide opportunities to have filmshows. The effect of having audio-visual meetings can't be overestimated. Wednesdays - Ecumenism in Music *by bringing people together who have interest in music, we provide in our immediate community, the opportunity for people to sing, have spoken word poetry, learn with the few musical instruments- we have and understand the power of influence music has in every sector of the society. Thursdays - Ar...

Pray for TLF Friend

Loved of God, Thank God for grace and mercy and peace. God bless us all, in Jesus name, amen.  Let's pray for one another that God bless us abundantly, in Jesus name, amen. Please pray in particular for Emeka Betram Ubaka. #pray for one another #May #Communication #WalkWithUs TLF
Monthly Outline 1st Monday - Primary/Secondary or Tertiary School Visit Here we donate school items and create awareness of our theme for the month, as well as activities at our centre, especially the availability of our library  2nd Tuesday - Filmshow Here we show full length movies as well as 1 TED talk based on our theme for the month 1st Wednesday - Outreach Here we go on the streets, market places and community centres to give out our compiled DVDs or CDs, our tracts, our devotionals (The Word For Today) as well as our brochures with fund raising appeal letters 2nd Thursday - Music  Host a particular church choir or music group where we would thrash out contemporary issues in music and our roles in influencing one of the largest means of influence all around the world. We would also donate something of need to the choir 1st Friday - Sports Tournament Here we would engage the children and youths as well as the elderly in different outdoor sporting activities ...

Issue Picture

30th September yearly is International Translation Day. Many people do not know about short hand let alone about stenographers.  We are more attuned to those who stand by and translate while persons of different tribes and tongues try to communicate with each other. But International Translation Day transcends that.  How many languages can you speak? Can you translate a language you speak to someone else who needs to understand? Can you read a language you speak? Can you speak a language you can read? What other ways can translations be done for proper communication? Kindly read this story below. My boss drove a luxury car everyday and it was my duty to greet him and to open the gates for him, as I worked as a watchman in his villa. But he never responded back to my greetings. One day he saw me opening the garbage bags outside the villa in search for any leftover food. But, as usual he never even looked at me, it was like as if he never saw anything! The very ...
ODB Message “Learning the Language” By  Dave Branon As I walked around and looked carefully at your objects of worship, I even found an altar with this inscription: to an unknown god. Acts 17:23 I stood before the gathering at a small Jamaican church and said in my best local dialect, “Wah Gwan, Jamaica?” The reaction was better than I expected, as smiles and applause greeted me. In reality, all I had said was the standard greeting, “What’s going on?” in Patois [pa-twa], but to their ears I was saying, “I care enough to speak your language.” Of course I did not yet know enough Patois to continue, but a door had been opened. When the apostle Paul stood before the people of Athens, he let them know that he knew their culture. He told them that he had noticed their altar to “an unknown god,” and he quoted one of their poets. Of course, not everyone believed Paul’s message about Jesus’s resurrection, but some said, “We want to hear you again on this subject” (Acts 17:32). ...

Pray for Our Donor

Loved of God, Thank God for success in our works of charity and social development. God bless us and bless our endeavours, in Jesus name, amen.  Let's pray for all our donors in prayers, cash, advice, suggestions, energy, links, kind and time. Let us pray that God blesses and replenishes them for all their efforts towards TLF. Even those who are anonymous and those who do what we may never know, may God bless them and bless us all, in Jesus name, amen. Please pray in particular for Fr John Adesotu. #pray for one another #May #Communication #WalkWithUs TLF

Charity Picture

Many people have been showing kindness. Whether we like it or not there are many genuine givers in our dear country. Some are government officials, some are Foundations, some are churches, some are International NGOs, others are individuals, office leaders, street leaders or group of friends. We pray God should bless all givers (may no one suffer from his or her good) and indeed all receivers (may no one receive evil) in Jesus name, amen. #May #Communication #WalkWithUs TLF