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Showing posts from November, 2020
#November #Balance #WalkWithUs
Thank You Picture #November #Balance    
  Month Review This month we looked at sub-issues under the theme Sanity aka Balance aka Extra-Curricular Activities ! We in TLF believe in Balance which ensures sanity. Balance entails everything needed to lead a wholesome life. We need to love our neighbours as ourselves and if we do not take care of our affairs we would either burnout or not be able to show love to others.   As a charity and social development organisation, TLF strives to ensure that all concerned- trustees, members, volunteers, beneficiaries, benefactors and all are living in the peace of God. Everyone may not have the basics of life and living but we are tranquil in Christ Jesus. Happiness is free, so also is our being children of God. Although Apostle Paul wrote a number of his books in prison he did not let it affect his sanity. So what is our excuse? Extra-Curricular Activities abound in different forms and we encouraged to engage in any, as we can.  The United Nations enjoins individuals ...
31st October annually is World Cities Day. Does city life allow for Sanity, Balance and Extra-Curricular Activities? #November #Balance #WalkWithUs  
  TLF Centre News Thank God for His faithfulness. We have been able to ensure the upkeep of the TLF Centre. We often receive visitors and others who come to make enquiries. We have alternative power and water. But we cannot have enough of musical instruments, games and sports equipment, diesel and fuel, data credit, call credit, mementoes, bicycles, and many other things. June 3 rd is World Bicycle Day! April 6 th is International Day of Sport for Development and Peace! April 21 st is World Creativity and Innovation Day!  September 27 th is World Tourism Day! Join us as we encourage recreation, vacation and peace.   #November #Balance #WalkWithUs
Puzzle Tell us how many faces you can see. The answer will be shown by 10pm today  God keeping us! #November #Balance #WalkWithUs
In your spare time, find time to read for recreation. Just like junk food and snacks are not good for the body, so also junk literature will corrupt and upset your system... Read wholesome literature. for example read this story received from someone- Folder Message A frog at the bottom of a well lives in a small dark world. It cannot see much light. The frog does not know that there is a bigger, better, beautiful world outside the well. This proverb means that people often think in the same way as the frog. We only 'see' the things that are near to us, and do not understand that anything else can be true or real. But God has a whole new world waiting for us, and he wants us to 'get out of the well' and find it. Just as a frog cannot easily get out of a well unless someone pulls it up, Jesus is the one who can lift us out of our 'well'. In the book of Psalms the singer writes about God: "You listened and pulled me from a lonely pit (hole or well) fu...