Month Review
This month we looked at sub-issues under the theme Sanity aka Balance aka Extra-Curricular Activities! We in TLF believe in Balance which ensures sanity. Balance entails everything needed to lead a wholesome life. We need to love our neighbours as ourselves and if we do not take care of our affairs we would either burnout or not be able to show love to others.
As a charity and social development organisation, TLF strives to ensure that all concerned- trustees, members, volunteers, beneficiaries, benefactors and all are living in the peace of God. Everyone may not have the basics of life and living but we are tranquil in Christ Jesus.
Happiness is free, so also is our being children of God. Although Apostle Paul wrote a number of his books in prison he did not let it affect his sanity. So what is our excuse? Extra-Curricular Activities abound in different forms and we encouraged to engage in any, as we can.
The United Nations enjoins individuals to take seriously the issue of Sanity aka Balance aka Extra-Curricular Activities as it declared among other relevant dates, 27th of September as World Tourism Day, 6th of April as International Day of Sport for Development and Peace, 16th May as International Day of Living Together in Peace, 21st of September as International Day of Peace, yearly to sensitise the public on the theme.
When Jesus is in our Work and Extra-Curricular Activities we will surely enjoy Sanity and Balance. When people use their Extra-Curricular Activities to sin, scorn, perpetuate evil and brag, then you’ll know that they have missed it.
As Christians we know God is our Father, for our success in having balanced lives, we must fear God, give Him glory and allow Jesus into our minds and our entire being solely.
Jesus Christ came to show us the example of balance for Jesus as a Child grew and became strong in spirit, filled with wisdom; and the grace of God was upon Him, He increased in stature and in favour with God and men.
#November #Balance
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