Universal health coverage (UHC) is about ensuring all people and communities have access to quality health services where and when they need them, without suffering financial hardship. It includes the full spectrum of services needed throughout life—from health promotion to prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, and palliative care—and is best based on a strong primary health care system.
We commend all those individuals, groups, NGOs, Charities, Foundations and others who engage in one form of Universal Health Coverage. I commend the Nigerian Bar Association who provided free NHIS\NHIA for lawyers of which I was a beneficiary for 2 years. I am grateful.
God bless your labour and work of love.
May we not do anything in vain.
Remember Psalms 147:3 He heals the broken-hearted and binds up their wounds.
Remember the ultimate law is love.
God is love.
There is no answer outside of God.
Your life in God is most important.
In all your research, submit to Jesus Christ and be fervent.
Tina Tobo
... the ultimate law is love.
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