This month we looked at sub-issues under the theme Who’s WHO aka Health! We in TLF take issues of health very seriously. Health is wealth. Without good and sound health who can function personally, in a family, in a society or within a Foundation. We need to take our health seriously and if we do we would take the health of others seriously also. Most times the issues of health seem wide and overwhelming and we are only concerned about the health issues that concern us.
As a charity and social development organisation, TLF strives to ensure that all concerned- trustees, members, volunteers, beneficiaries, benefactors and all are living in good health as we serve a God Who provides the Balm of Gilead. We all may have one health challenge or the other at one time in life but our wholesomeness lies in Christ Jesus.
The United Nations enjoins us to take seriously the issue of Health as it declared among other relevant dates, 7th April as World Health Day, 4th February as World Cancer Day, 21st March as World Down Syndrome Day, 24th March as World Tuberculosis Day, 2nd April as World Autism Awareness Day, 25th April as World Malaria Day, 28th April as World Day for Safety and Health at Work, 31st May as World No-Tobacco Day, 14th June as World Blood Donor Day, 28th September as World Rabies Day, 10th October as World Mental Health Day, 19th November as World Toilet Day, 1st December as World AIDS Day and 12th December as International Universal Health Coverage Day, yearly to sensitise the public on the theme.
When God is in our bodies, minds, spirits and souls, we will surely enjoy good health. When people use their bodies, which represent the temple of the Holy Spirit in abusive and uncaring ways, they miss the whole purpose of stewardship God has given us over ourselves and those whose health we are responsible for. We are to nurture, carter, care, protect and take care of our health.
Other health concerns such as abortion, adulterated food, medicine, drug abuse, organ trafficking, bleaching, body alterations, among others should not be counted among us, we must fear God, give Him glory and allow His perfect will over health and bodies. For God’s Word assures us that we are to prosper as our health prospers.
Jesus Christ came to show us the God’s perfect will for our health and bodies when he healed the sick, straightened the crooked and restore withered body parts, among many other wonderful miracles recorded and not recorded.
TinaFor: TLF
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