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Showing posts from June, 2024

Our Mid-Year Crossover Prayers: 11pm

Word – Jeremiah 23:3 Then I will gather the remnant of my flock out of all the countries where I have driven them, and I will bring them back to their fold, and they shall be fruitful and multiply. Pray – Lord God we pray for as many who are travelling out of their countries of origin in search for a better life. We pray their movement be in line with Your will. We pray that where You do not lead us we would not go. We pray You bless us wherever You place us. We commit our countries of origin, residence and destination as You will, in JESUS name we pray, amen. Praise – How Can You Walk (Chris Delvan ) How can You walk when You don’t know the way of the wind, How can You run when You don't know the way of the spirit, How can You fly when You don’t know the way of the wind, the power at work in You. Bringing everything in obedience to Christ. How can You walk when You don’t know the way of the wind How can You run when You don’t know the way of the spirit How can You fly when You don

Our Mid-Year Crossover Prayers: 10pm

Word – Psalms 143:10 Teach me to do thy will, for thou art my God! Let thy good spirit lead me on a level path! Matthew 6:10 Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Pray – "My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as Thou wilt." Lord God Almighty makes this my heart’s cry that I submit to Your will. Father may I not manipulate my destiny and Your will for me, in JESUS name we pray, amen. Praise – In Christ Alone (Adrienne Camp and Geoff Moore & The Distance) In Christ alone, my hope is found He is my light, my strength, my song This Cornerstone, this solid ground Firm through the fiercest drought and storm What heights of love, what depths of peace When fears are stilled, when strivings cease My Comforter, my All in All Here in the love of Christ I stand. Charge – We cannot but yield to the will of God because He is Omniscient. Is there anyone who can advice God or knows more than Him or can fine tu

Our Mid-Year Crossover Prayers: 9pm

Word – Deuteronomy 5:4 The LORD spoke with you face to face at the mountain, out of the midst of the fire, 5 while I stood between the LORD and you at that time, to declare to you the word of the LORD; for you were afraid because of the fire, and you did not go up into the mountain. He said: Pray – Almighty God and Father of us all, Your Word says that truth is lacking, and he who departs from evil makes himself a prey. Dear Lord You saw it, that there was no one to intervene; but by Your own arm You brought victory. We humbly pray that you raise intercessors who would stand in the gap and pray for Your righteousness, peace and joy in this world. For Your kingdom has come, in JESUS name we pray, amen. Praise – I know my Redeemer lives (Nicole C. Mullen) Who taught the sun where to stand in the morning? And who told the ocean you can only come this far? And who showed the moon where to hide 'til evening? Whose words alone can catch a falling star? Well, I know my Redeemer lives I kn

Our Mid-Year Crossover Prayers: 8pm

Word – Matthew 7:7 "Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. 8 For every one who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. Pray – Our heavenly Father, we thank You because You taught us to pray and promised us that Your ears would be attentive to our prayers. We offer our prayers to You knowing that You will answer us according to Your holy will, in JESUS name, amen. Praise – Great is Thy Faithfulness (Thomas Chisholm) Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father There is no shadow of turning with Thee Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not As Thou hast been, Thou forever will be Great is Thy faithfulness Great is Thy faithfulness Morning by morning new mercies I see All I have needed Thy hand hath provided Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me Charge – We must always ask God by faith in the name of Jesus Christ. Remember how Bartimaeus who was blind cried out saying, "Jesus,

Our Mid-Year Crossover Prayers: 7pm

Word – Luke 24:46 and [Jesus] said to them, "Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead, 47 and that repentance and forgiveness of sins should be preached in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem. Pray – Lord God Almighty, Your Word gives us the assurance that Your only begotten Son, Jesus Christ stands at the door and knocks, that if any one hears His voice and opens the door, He will come in to and dine with him, and he with Me. We repent therefore, and turn again, that our sins may be blotted out, that times of refreshing may come from Your presence oh Lord. We thank You for the joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance. We thank You because by this we have hope. We pray You keep us in your grace and mercy in JESUS name, amen. Praise – Great is Thy mercy towards me (Donnie McClurkin) Great is Your mercy towards me Your loving kindness towards me Your tender

Our Mid-Year Crossover Prayers: 6pm

Word – Psalm 33:1 Rejoice in the LORD, O you righteous! Praise befits the upright. Pray – Our Father Who art in heaven, we bless You Lord, with our souls and all that is within us, we bless Your holy name! We bless You Lord and forget not all Your benefits. You are Lord, the God Who forgives our iniquities, Who heals all our diseases, Who redeems our lives from the Pit, Who crowns us with steadfast love and mercy, Who satisfies us with good as long as we live so that our youth is renewed like the eagle's. We praise you for this opportunity to have our mid-year crossover prayers. May Your holy name be praised now and forever, in JESUS name, amen. Praise – I Need Thee (Annie Sherwood Hawks) I need Thee every hour Most gracious Lord No tender voice like Thine Can peace afford. I need Thee, O I need Thee Every hour I need Thee O bless me now, my Saviour I come to Thee. Charge – We must praise God for we were made for His will and pleasure. We must repent when we side-step. We must ask
#1 Love your job. If it is stressful, make it easy for yourself. #2 We can leave our jobs on time so we can have a balanced life. #3 It can be easy if we embrace team work. #4 Together we can achieve instead of personal hustling which stretches us over and beyond. #5 Two working together can help to encourage each other not to give up. #6 For the road to success is still under construction. Afterall Rome was not built in one day or by one labourer! #7 But if with hardwork and sincerity we still burnout... #8 Instead of getting the hammer of being sacked and becoming unemployed by sacking... #9 Or being fired or thinking of taking a step back that can cause harm... #10 We can reconsider our career options. #11 But must bear in mind that it's not always easier on the other side or other jobs. #12 We must be ready to be consistent at our unique abilities. #13 That said, we can become innovative... #14 While leading a quiet, humble, simple and real life. #15 If not we might spend our l

Parting Shots!

#1 Love your job. If it is stressful, make it easy for yourself. #2 We can leave our jobs on time so we can have a balanced life. #3 It can be easy if we embrace team work. #4 Together we can achieve instead of personal hustling which stretches us over and beyond. #5 Two working together can help to encourage each other not to give up. #6 For the road to success is still under construction. Afterall Rome was not built in one day or by one labourer! #7 But if with hardwork and sincerity we still burnout... #8 Instead of getting the hammer of being sacked and becoming unemployed by sacking... #9 Or being fired or thinking of taking a step back that can cause harm... #10 We can reconsider our career options. #11 But must bear in mind that it's not always easier on the other side or other jobs. #12 We must be ready to be consistent at our unique abilities. #13 That said, we can become innovative... #14 While leading a quiet, humble, simple and real life. #15 If not we might spend our l

TLF Centre News

Thank God for His faithfulness. We have been able to ensure the upkeep of the TLF Centre. We had our usual Breakfast Meeting and we had various activities in the Centre and in our outdoor outreaches. We often receive visitors and others who come to make enquiries. We have alternative power and water. But we cannot have enough of musical instruments, games and sports equipment, diesel and fuel, data credit, call credit, mementoes, bicycles, funds and many other things.  But we also wish to chare this insight with you - "Before You Resign" It is obvious you lacked resolve, courage, and character in a deal. You resigned after much consideration and hurriedly resumed after a call without straightening out grey areas that made you first leave. A lack of character from you. No wonder they toss you like a frying plantain. In the Art of the Deal, a negotiation table is no dinning table. It is a war arena fought with weapons of courtesy, strategy, firmness, and decisiveness. It is whe

Story Time: 6 Millionaire Traits That You Can Adopt

Millionaires have more in common with each other than just their bank accounts - for some millionaires, striking it rich took courage, salesmanship, vision and passion. Find out which traits are most common to the seven-figure bank account set, and what you can do to hone some of these skills in your own life. 1.Independent Thinking Millionaires think differently. Not just about money, about everything. The time and energy everybody else spends attempting to conform, millionaires spend creating their own path. Since thoughts impact actions, people who want to be wealthy should think in a way that will get them to that goal. Independent thinking doesn't mean doing the opposite of what the rest of the world is doing; it means having the courage to follow what is important to you. So, the lesson here is to forge your own way, and let your success drive you to financial spoils - rather than doing it the other way around and trying to chase the money.  Just look at David Geffen. A self-
We look forward to our annual mid-year crossover prayers. Held every year in the months of June and July. Precisely 30th June 6pm - 1st July 6am. Join us physically at our Centre or on any of our online media. For more info tweet to us @Tlovefoundation Or send us an email via We thank God! 2024 #ForgingAhead


Job interviews are short, crisp, and very important parts of your career. A good interview can make your career and a bad interview can either offer you progress at best and seriously hamper your progress at worst. Therefore, it is very important to be completely ready, and know what to say when you attend an interview. In addition, whatever the post may be, or whatever the job position may be, you should clearly know what not to say in an interview. 1. What to Say in a Job Interview. The art of listening  One of the first skills of a conversation, let alone an interview, is the art of listening. There is a major difference between hearing and listening. We hear music, an action in which we may miss some lyrics or some part of the music, but we hear what is important to us and what we should pay attention to. During an interview, one should remind oneself to hear, understand and keep in mind what the interviewer is saying. 2. When to speak  Also, during an interview, one should keep in

ODB Message

“God Provides” By  Julie Ackerman Link Those who work their land will have abundant food. Proverbs 12:11 Outside my office window, the squirrels are in a race against winter to bury their acorns in a safe, accessible place. Their commotion amuses me. An entire herd of deer can go through our back yard and not make a sound, but one squirrel sounds like an invasion. The two creatures are different in another way as well. Deer do not prepare for winter. When the snow comes they eat whatever they can find along the way (including ornamental shrubs in our yard). But squirrels would starve if they followed that example. They would be unable to find suitable food. The deer and the squirrel represent ways that God cares for us. He enables us to work and save for the future, and He meets our need when resources are scarce. As the wisdom literature teaches, God gives us seasons of plenty so that we can prepare for seasons of need (Prov. 12:11). And as Psalm 23 says, the Lord leads us through per
“God Provides” By  Julie Ackerman Link Those who work their land will have abundant food. Proverbs 12:11 Outside my office window, the squirrels are in a race against winter to bury their acorns in a safe, accessible place. Their commotion amuses me. An entire herd of deer can go through our back yard and not make a sound, but one squirrel sounds like an invasion. The two creatures are different in another way as well. Deer do not prepare for winter. When the snow comes they eat whatever they can find along the way (including ornamental shrubs in our yard). But squirrels would starve if they followed that example. They would be unable to find suitable food. The deer and the squirrel represent ways that God cares for us. He enables us to work and save for the future, and He meets our need when resources are scarce. As the wisdom literature teaches, God gives us seasons of plenty so that we can prepare for seasons of need (Prov. 12:11). And as Psalm 23 says, the Lord leads us through per


9 things you should NEVER say during a job interview. An Improper Presentation Your Interview is Calling! Many job candidates are nervous about participating in a job interview. After much hard work in writing countless resumes, cover letters, and job applications, these individuals hope that they will interview well, impress the hiring officer of the company to which they have applied, and finally get hired. With some practice and preparation, employment interviewing need not be a mystery or a horror. In fact, it can be enjoyable, informative, and even fun. In addition, every interview that you complete will make you more practiced in the art of interviewing. By continuing to interview for jobs, you will learn the range of variety of questions and scenarios that may confront you. Then you will be better prepared to win the job of your dreams! There are many different things that you should not say during a job interview and there are likely more than 10 things not to say. However, 10

27th of June is Micro-, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Day.



You can put away a lot more than the average American without living a deprived life.  #Avoid Debt!  Since they married two decades ago, Ed Haskell and Debbie Chasteen have saved more than half their income every year. But Ed's aggressive savings habits go back even further. From his early 20s, Ed was determined to live frugally so that he didn't have to work into his 60s. When the couple was dating, Debbie realized how serious Ed was about saving when she needed a new car but didn't have the cash. Rather than have her borrow, Ed offered to put up the money so she could continue maxing out her retirement plan. That avoidance of debt has been a key to their success. Before they make any purchase, even big-ticket items like cars, they save up the cash. In 1996 they paid cash for their first home, a $105,000. "Sure, we could afford a bigger house and more expensive cars, but we're content with the things we have," says Ed, who retired 10 years ago and now teaches
  Our themes for each month of the rest of the year would be as follows by God’s grace- July – Traffic aka Slavery and Bondage  August – Youth aka Family September – Literacy aka Learning October – Non-Violence aka Girls to Women November – Sanity aka Balance aka Extra-Curricular Activities December – Solidarity #June #Enterprise  TLF💚
Even with our call for us to pray and contribute towards our cause for this month, we want to thank those who responded. We also want to tell political leaders and indeed the government to encourage the works of indigenous companies and manufacturers, there are a whole lot of talented and gifted individuals who are very enterprising and need our patronage not our pity.  This is a former Governor of Anambra state and an artist. This is the Governor of Lagos state and a phone repairer and bike vulcanizer.  This is the former Governor of Benue state and a physically challenged man who makes shoes.  Who remembers these scenarios? Share with us others please... Remember everything is not politics! Let us encourage entrepreneurship.  #June #Enterprise  TLF💚