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"It Opens Doors"

"It Opens Doors"


Tina Tobo PSLC, BL, Ph.D. 

... the ultimate law is love.

Cornelius got a visitor. Tabitha Dorcas got a visitor. The rich woman got a visitor. The poor widow got a visitor. The young boy had a visitor. The rich man got a visitor. The rich fool got a visitor.

Cornelius got a visitor. But in real facts he sent to be visited by Peter.

There was a certain man in Caesarea called Cornelius, a centurion of what was called the Italian Regiment, a devout man and one who feared God with all his household, who gave alms generously to the people, and prayed to God always, he saw clearly in a vision an angel of God coming in and saying to him, Cornelius your prayers and your alms have come up for a memorial before God, send for Simon whose surname is Peter. He will tell you what you must do." These men really went to Peter and they said, "Cornelius the centurion, a just man, one who fears God and has a good reputation among all the nation of the Jews, was divinely instructed by a holy angel to summon you to his house, and to hear words from you." Meanwhile Cornelius was waiting for them, and had called together his relatives and close friends. He wanted to share this great encounter with those he loved. His love for his family and friend extended to his interest in their eternity. Cornelius' openness to be used by God to do good deeds opened doors for him to receive what man could not give - eternal life and God's notice.

Tabitha Dorcas got a visitor. But in real facts she was dead and could not invite anyone. Instead those whose lives she had affected invited Peter to come and visit her. Peter came like an angel of life. It was almost like Peter had to be dragged by those who heard he was close by. Like the ruler dragged Jesus to his house to help his little daughter. They invited Peter because this woman was full of good works and charitable deeds which she did cheerfully in love. But as is the way of mortals mortals sometimes, she became sick and died. When the disciples heard that Peter was nearby, they sent two men to him, imploring him not to delay in coming to them. Peter was the visitor. When he finally arrived, all the widows stood by him weeping, showing the tunics and garments which Dorcas had made while she was with them. Well God had also seen these, so Peter turning to the body he said, "Tabitha, arise" and she opened her eyes, and sat up, calling the saints and widows, he presented her alive. Did Tabitha Dorcas' good deeds 

The notable woman got a visitor. Prophet Elisha became a regular visitor to the Shunamite woman's family's home whenever he had to pass by that way. She did not just stop at providing food, but she was sensitive to his need for a shortlet, infact maybe she even invented "Bed and Breakfast"! Her iniative made her visitor restless and desirous to reward her and repay her for her generousity. "Call this Shunamites woman" sef! But Gehazi rightly suggested that a prayer to God for her to have a son would be the ideal. Yes, she had her son. Her door to what seemed impossible was opened, why? Well you and I know.

The poor widow got a visitor. The poor widow got a visitor like a surprise of continuous provisions. When she was dropping that mite she didn't know the Minting Corporation would rename it the Widow's mite. She didn't know heaven was watching up close, infact God Himself sat by the bowl she dropped it in. From then on, provisions never ceased. Her door bell kept ringing with free food, drinks, clothes, money, invitations to illustrious events, electronics, free subscriptions, landed properties, endorsements and ambassadorial slots! Was she like the widow whose oil never went dry all though the famine because she had fed prophet Elisha? Yes! But in this case, she didn't see her visitor but the visitor saw her. She was open to giving and that opened hands of her, received commendation from Jesus Christ Himself.

The young boy had a visitor.  He had only 2 loaves and 5 fish. The visitors were Jesus' disciples. They brought him to Jesus and said this was the only one who was willing to present his own provisions to cater for the over 5000 people who needed to eat. His little was blessed by Jesus Christ in thanksgiving and fed men, women and children and left remnants which were gathered and kept.

The rich man got a visitor. The rich man got a visitor from father Abraham who was looking down from a distance because of the barrier of the chasm. Father Abraham could not even give his guest a drop of water with a tip of his little finger. But this rich man had the opportunity to open his doors and indeed his gate to Lazarus who sat by that gate all those years, locked out. The rich man allowed his dogs entertain and lick Lazarus wounds without any succour for such injuries. The rich man had remnants from his table. He also probably had leftovers which he never ate from and those who wasted away in his 'fridge and freezer!' Lazarus didn't particularly require his own mansion from the rich man. Infact was Lazarus not found in Abraham's bosom?! Lazarus just needed the basics of human dignity and food, and yes, freedom from predator dogs which degenerated his dignity because he was poor.

The rich fool got a visitor. Those who helped him with his harvest and saw that he needed to expand his barn to cater for his excess and overflowing harvest. Those who worked for him, his neighbours, his relatives, his friends, those who he saw and knew worked hard also but couldn't make ends meet. The rich fool was self conceited and he was not sensitive and loving. He thought he was sensible because his wisdom told him that what he needed at that point was actually to expand for his future retirement and pleasure. He was keeping food and supplies for 20, 30, 40 years times. But by then 200, 300, 400 people who could have benefitted from these food and supplies would have been no more. You fool, today your soul is required from you this day! He could not finalise the bilateral partnership and PPP with his state government. He couldn't set up his planned subsidiaries in the north and south. He never got to enjoy his retirement plan he made at the detriment of satisfying the present needs God had blessed him to fulfil.

Hey, do you hear it? there is someone at your door!


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