8 things that can kill your job chances
In her new book “What Your Body Says,”
Sharon Saylor writes, “The most influential part of communication is your
nonverbal. Your nonverbal can actually destroy or produce the results you want,
such as inspiring employees to do better work, calming angry customers,
creating fans in the marketplace and closing sales.”
And according to a new CareerBuilder
survey, your body language can also hurt your chances of landing a job …
especially a lack of eye contact.
In the survey of more than 2,500 hiring
managers, 67 percent said that failure to make eye contact would make them less
likely to hire a job candidate. Other non-verbals that hiring managers cited as
negative included these seven things:
Lack of smile – 38 percent
Fidgeting too much – 33 percent
Bad posture – 33 percent
Handshake that is too weak – 26 percent
Crossing arms over their chest – 21 percent
Playing with their hair or touching their
face – 21 percent
Using too many hand gestures – 9
“In a highly competitive job market, job
seekers need to set themselves apart in the interview stage,” said Rosemary
Haefner, vice president of human resources for CareerBuilder. “All that
pressure, though, may have some job seekers making body language mistakes that
don’t convey a confident message. To avoid these faux pas, and ensure you’re
remembered for the right reasons, try practicing ahead of time in front of a
mirror or family and friends.”
She offers the following tips to avoid body
language missteps during an interview:
Keep calm. To make the best impression and
avoid nervous body language, take measures to stay as calm as possible before
the interview. Leave the house with plenty of time to get to the interview,
avoid caffeine if possible and take deep, calming breaths.
Practice makes perfect. The old adage
proves true in this case, as you’ll feel more comfortable the more you prepare
for the interview, and in turn, it will help decrease your anxiety. Rehearse
ahead of time with friends or family, do your homework on the company and be
prepared for common interview questions.
See for yourself. Viewing yourself while
speaking can help you notice what body language mistakes you might be making
without realizing. Look in a mirror while practicing interview responses or
videotape yourself to figure out your typical physical movements, and whether
or not you need to change them.
Saylor, who is a certified group dynamics
and behavioural coach, says it is possible to change your behaviour and be
conscious of what messages you’re sending with your own body. One has to learn
tips on overcoming many communication roadblocks including how to project
confidence, how to look intelligent, how to eliminate verbal pauses, and how to
use your posture to show confidence.
-- By Kate Lorenz
#June #Enterprise #WalkWithUs

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