Suicide is nothing but a permanent solution to a temporary problem. If anyone is considering ending his/her life, remember this: "this too shall pass".
Depression is like a deflated ball. It flattens the spirit. Why slide into depression when you can live your life sober and true.
Sobriety is not despair or depression. Live a sober life.
Jesus says we should watch and pray, but did you also know that His Word tells us children of God to be sober.
Being sober is being alert, aware and conscious of your decisions, knowing that actions have reactions and consequences.
But being "high" the opposite of being sober,
Is the gyration people push for.
High-life: drink and be drunk and wild, play metallic rock, dance hall and blues and become uncontrollable that even your mood can swing, take codeine and sleep long and deep, do hard drugs and be inspired to write songs, movie scripts, draw or be creative (creativity, artworks and music that has no connection with God's glory), the same drug effect has made some commit crime, rob, kill, assassinate and even rape.
How can we avoid the effects of the above?
By being sober not unhappy, depressed, sad or melancholic.
A drunk man will find it hard to take responsibility for sleeping in a gutter, so will an armed robber who was high on drugs during his operation which led to the death of his victims.
They will always say it's the devil.
Depression most often leads to suicide and is caused by hopelessness.
Someone with hope will know that "our help is in the name of the Lord, Who made heaven and earth," and that "the joy of the Lord is our strength."
What causes depression are many.
What is the rate of suicide even in Africa? It's rising sadly.
Why is there hopelessness? People don't believe in God or that His Word works. Why? Fake Christians (wolves in sheep and shepherd clothings) have eroded the sound doctrines of scripture, leading many to see it as a mere book, fable, wishful book, ancient historic record or idealistic book with no relevance to modern day reality.
What is farther than the truth than these opinions and schools of thought!
There is now self-love doctrine, new age religion, the glossy, fancy and attractive packaging of atheism and religions far from God that recommend self-help, man-madeness, self-realiance, yoga, meditation, channelling of spirits, levitation and deep occultism.
But we must hold tight to the old time religion and close our ears to new gospels preached to those with itchy ears.
Can we overcome depression, suicidal tendencies or hopelessness outside of Jesus Christ? Never.
Judas never went back to Jesus and he committed suicide, Peter did and his hopelessness and depression was ransomed, transformed and overcome, making him the rock on which the church was built, Peter the rock!
God loves you,
If all else fails including yourself,
God never fails.
In God there is no depression, suicide or hopelessness.
But love, peace, purpose, perseverance, hope and joy.
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