I often attend Inaugural lectures in different Universities wherever I find myself in whatever field it centres on.
But what good have our great wisdom, knowledge, research and learning brought to the society? How has Nigeria as a whole progressed?
It is a food for thought.
If only our numerous projects, theses and researches can leave the shelves and go to town.
Money is not everything. When we get degrees is it just for our self aggrandisement or wealth? Knowledge should be for service. Our findings should be to better the society. The ultimate Law is Love, so says the Bible and we align with in TLF.
Love starts with a smile, grows with a trust, and ends with satisfaction. The satisfaction that all God has endowed on us and our knowledge gotten, must necessitate that we take our "gowns" to "town." Let us impact where God has sent us to. It could be urban, rural or remote places. But wherever we are sent let us apply our learning for the greater good.
TLF is not just about charity and giving tangible things in love, but we are also incorporated for social development. These intangible aspects include the impact our knowledge, fields of study and learning to a better society. We are to progress and not retrogress.
... the ultimate law is love.
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