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Showing posts from January, 2025


  “New: Inside and Out” By Dave Branon No one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again. John 3:3 A few years ago a publisher made a big mistake. A book had been on the market for several years, so it was time for a makeover. The author rewrote the book to bring it up to date. But when the revision was published, there was a problem. The publisher gave the book a nice new cover but printed the old book inside. The exterior was fresh and new, but the interior was old and out of date. This “reprint” was not really new at all. Sometimes that kind of thing happens with people. They realize a change needs to be made in life. Things are heading in the wrong direction. So they may put on a new exterior without making a vital change in their heart. They may change a behaviour on the outside but may not realize that it is only God who can change us on the inside. In John 3, Nicodemus sensed that because Jesus came “from God” (v.2) He offered something very different. What Jesus ...

Month Review

    This month we looked at the theme #New Beginning! We in TLF believe in New Beginnings as it entails the start of everything needed to start a wholesome life. New Beginnings are like foundations where something good and worthwhile can be set up on. Our lives must be built on a proper foundation because if the foundation be faulty what can one do?  We often pursue riches of the pocket, but we can pursue riches of the mind and heart. For God has told us in His Word that we command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in Him, the living God, Who gives us richly all things to enjoy. They are to do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to give, willing to share, storing up for themselves a good foundation for the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life. For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. As a charity and social development organisation, TLF striv...
We in TLF recommend these for each of us. 1.Stop Spending Time with the wrong people  Proverbs 1:8-19, Proverbs 17 2. Stop running from your problems  Genesis 27:41  3. Stop lying to yourself.  Ephesians 4:25 II Kings 8:13  4. Stop trying to be someone you are not  Matthew 23: 1-12  5. Stop trying to go back to the past Exodus 14: 5-14, Hebrews 10:35  6. Stop being afraid to make a mistake  Matthew 7:3-5, Romans 3:23  7. Stop berating yourself from your mistake Philippians 4:3, Romans 3: 23  8. Stop trying to buy happiness  Matthew 19:16-30, Luke 16:13-15  9. Stop exclusively looking to others for happiness  I Samuel 1:6 (Penninah and Elkanah)  10. Stop thinking you are not capable or ready  Build up your self confidence and your God confidence  Hebrews 10:35-39, 2Timothy 2:1-26  11. Stop getting involved in relationships for the wrong reasons.  2 Samuel 11:12  12. Stop rejecting new rela...

Kindly Donate

    We encourage engagements, contributions and support for our activities on the Internet, in our Centre and our out reaches around the states. Please bear in mind that money is essential in every family, organisation and even charities. We welcome donations in cash and kind, endowment and referrals. We also welcome volunteers and stipend support for those already volunteering. Tina Love Foundation  Guaranty Trust Bank  0033315918 ... Thank you in advance for your thought, intention, goodwill, prayer and action! Remember God loves you, so no matter what, know that  ... the ultimate law is love Romans 13:10. Tobo For: Trustees of Tina Love Foundation (TLF) #January 
  Thank God for His faithfulness. We have been able to ensure the upkeep of the TLF Centre. We often receive visitors and others who come to make enquiries. We have alternative power and water. But we cannot have enough of musical instruments, games and sports equipment, diesel and fuel, data credit, call credit, mementoes, bicycles, and many other things. Also we really should have our own permanent Centre. Join us as we encourage more people towards a life of love in Christ Jesus.  #January 


  5th of December is the International Volunteer Day for Economic and Social Development. In this month of TLF's anniversary when we formally started in 2005, we remember all our friends in TLF. God still sits on the throne. Each of you may be going through a tough time right now but God is getting ready to bless you in a way that only He can. Keep the faith.  Let's continue to pray for one another.  Let us pray:  "Father, I ask you to bless our friends, relatives and blog viewers and followers reading this right now. Show them a new revelation of your love and power. Holy Spirit, I ask you to minister to their spirit at this very moment. Where there is pain, give them your peace and mercy. Where there is self-doubt, release a renewed confidence through your grace. Bless their faith, destinies, works, schools, homes, families, finances, their going out and their coming in, in Jesus' precious name, Amen. This is our throwback picture for this month. Wherever our frien...

Remember our theme for January is #New Beginning


Pray for Our Donor

  Loved of God, Thank God for success in our works of charity and social development. God bless us and bless our endeavours, in Jesus name, amen.  Let's give a shout out to Egie and her lovely family. Let's celebrate God's grace and mercy upon her life and family. Let's pray that she shall be blessed abundantly with God always on her side, in Jesus name, amen #pray for one another #January 

We appreciate all our TLF Donors. Shout out to Yeye Aare Modupe Babalola


Weekly Outline At Our Centre

  OUR WEEKLY OUTLINE  Mondays - General Counselling and Prayers We would agree that there is an increase in wrong decisions being taken by many with regards life and death when things don't go well. There is a need for group circle meetings where strength can be pulled from likeminded people. It's the same way testimonies of believers help strengthen our faith. Come for counselling and group circle meetings. Tuesdays - Seminars and Workshops  Based on our monthly theme we have different sub-themes from which we need to address and formulate action plans as a group. These seminars and workshops also provide opportunities to have film shows. The effect of having audio-visual meetings can't be overestimated. Come we invite you to attend our weekly workshop, seminar or film show. Wednesdays - Ecumenism in Music By bringing people together who have interest in music, we provide in our immediate community, the opportunity for people to sing, have spoken word poetry, learn with ...

Monthly Outline

  1st Monday - Primary/Secondary or Tertiary School Visit Here we donate school items and create awareness of our theme for the month, as well as activities at our centre, especially the availability of our library.  2nd Tuesday – Film show Here we show full length movies as well as TED talks and Documentary based on our theme for the month outside our Centre. 1st Wednesday - Outreach Here we go on the streets, market places and community centres to give out food, money, clothes, toys, our items, our tracts, our devotionals as well as our brochures with fund raising appeal letters. 2nd Thursday - Music  Host a particular church choir or music group where we would thrash out contemporary issues in music and our roles in influencing one of the largest means of influence all around the world. We would also donate something of need to the choir. 1st Friday - Sports Tournament Here we would engage the children and youths as well as the elderly in different outdoor sporting act...

19th of August is World Humanitarian Day

We commend all those individuals, groups, NGOs, Charities, Foundations and others who engage in one form of humanitarian service or the other. God bless your labour and work of love. May we not do anything in vain. Remember Luke 14:13 "But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind. 14 "And you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you; for you shall be repaid at the resurrection of the just." Luke 12:33 "Sell what you have and give alms; provide yourselves money bags which do not grow old, a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches nor moth destroys. Remember the ultimate law is love. God is love. There is no love outside of God. Your life in God is most important. In all your giving, give your life to Jesus Christ and be fervent. Tina Tobo PSLC, BL, PHD  ... the ultimate law is love.

Join our Social Media

CONTACT US: Emails-; X formerly Twitter -  @Tlovefoundation Blog- Facebook-  www.Facebook.Com/TinaLoveFoundation LinkedIn-  Tina Love Foundation Nairaland-  TLoveFoundation Whatsapp/Call-  +2348 098 598 075 Ephraim For: Friends of ICT Department of Tina Love Foundation #January

Sharing Devotionals

We commend Mr. Tobi, O. J. Akhere esq. and the Firm Foundation for helping to give out "Different Thinking" Devotionals. We thank all those who give out devotionals freely and for free.  We also acknowledge and celebrate Grace So Amzaing Foundation and Mr. Victor Eguare for the distribution of The Word For Today. We also appreciate and celebrate the works of Our Daily Bread and Mrs. Isioma Francis. You too can be an ambassador, light, salt, witness and evangelist by giving out devotionals or sponsoring devotionals to be given out freely. God bless you. #January  #NewBeginning TLF💚

From Our Daily Bread Devotional

“Wise Aid” By Mike Wittmer Encourage the disheartened, help the weak, be patient with everyone.  1 Thessalonians 5:14 As I stopped my car at a red light, I saw the same man standing beside the road again. He held a cardboard sign: Need money for food. Anything helps. I looked away and sighed. Was I the kind of person who ignored the needy? Some people pretend to have needs but are actually con artists. Others have legitimate needs but face difficulties overcoming destructive habits. Social workers tell us it’s better to give money to the aid ministries in our city. I swallowed hard and drove past. I felt bad, but I may have acted wisely. God commands us to “warn those who are idle and disruptive, encourage the disheartened, help the weak” (1 Thessalonians 5:14). To do this well we must know who belongs in which category. If we warn a weak or disheartened person, we may break her spirit; if we help an idle person, we may encourage laziness. Consequently, we help best from up close, ...

TLF FilmShows!

Inspired by Uncle E and Mount Zion Films, among others! Several years ago we had a film-show in Ekosodin and the feedback was good. So we look forward to many more of such TLF outdoor activities. We thank God for our new projector, our repaired screen, our mobility, our re-designed lighting system, our serviced fuel generator, our newly rewired speakers and our ever ready amplifier and DVD! We cannot forget all those who donated for us to get a brand new Projector in 2020. In our filmshows we communicate good for the good of society, you and I are part of. If we do good and good exists in the society we will all benefit from it. We abhor the porn industry and seek to regulate the music industry. We cannot ignore the infiltration of evil morals in our children's media and cartoons which we vehemently kick against. Overall we applaud those who use audio visuals and public display of films, documentaries and other screen shows to promote charity and social development to God's glo...

Kindly Donate

Kindly Donate We encourage engagements, contributions and support for our activities on the Internet, in our Centre and our out reaches around the states. Please bear in mind that money is essential in every family, organisation and even charities. We welcome donations in cash and kind, endowment and referrals. We also welcome volunteers and stipend support for those already volunteering. Tina Love Foundation  Guaranty Trust Bank or GTCO 0033315918 ... Thank you in advance for your thought, intention, goodwill, prayer and action! Remember God loves you, so no matter what, know that  ... the ultimate law is love Romans 13:10. Tobo For: Trustees of Tina Love Foundation (TLF) #January

Theme Bible Verses

Theme Bible Verses John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. Deuteronomy 11:11 "but the land which you cross over to possess is a land of hills and valleys, which drinks water from the rain of heaven, 12 "a land for which the LORD your God cares; the eyes of the LORD your God are always on it, from the beginning of the year to the very end of the year. 13 'And it shall be that if you earnestly obey My commandments which I command you today, to love the LORD your God and serve Him with all your heart and with all your soul, 14 'then I will give you the rain for your land in its season, the early rain and the latter rain, that you may gather in your grain, your new wine, and your oil. 15 'And I will send grass in your fields for your livestock, that you may eat and be filled.' 16 "Take heed to...

Did You Know?

Did You Know? In TLF we are big on education at all levels. Having experienced tertiary education in University of Benin, University of Ibadan, Afe Babalola University and University of Ilorin not to forget the Nigerian Law School, there is the urgent need to cater for the needs of the tertiary environment - staff and students. We also give special mention to those with businesses, religious centres, visitors and parents of those in tertiary institutions. Take for instance in our theme in September especially, focus is completely on issues of literacy and learning. The role of the tertiary institutions we have in Nigeria cannt be overestimated in terms of charity and social development. The tertiary institution is often seen as the finishing school of every individual who has the opportunity to attend.  We acknowledge those who did not attend tertiary institutions by choice or due to circumstances beyond their control, they also form a significant part of the tertiary institutions'...

Weekly Outline At Our Centre

OUR WEEKLY OUTLINE  MONDAYS - General Counselling and Prayers We would agree that there is an increase in wrong decisions being taken by many with regards life and death when things don't go well. There is a need for group circle meetings where strength can be pulled from likeminded people. It's the same way testimonies of believers help strengthen our faith. Come for counselling and group circle meetings. TUESDAYS - Seminars and Workshops  Based on our monthly theme we have different sub-themes from which we need to address and formulate action plans as a group. These seminars and workshops also provide opportunities to have film shows. The effect of having audio-visual meetings can't be overestimated. Come we invite you to attend our weekly workshop, seminar or film show. WEDNESDAYS - Ecumenism in Music By bringing people together who have interest in music, we provide in our immediate community, the opportunity for people to sing, have spoken word poetry, and learn with ...

From Our Daily Bread Devotional

February 9th 2010 to January 19th 2011. Nneoma, we submit to the will of God. “Never Too Late” By  Peter Chin Overhearing what they said, Jesus told him, “Don’t be afraid; just believe.” Mark 5:36 During the anxious moments that followed my mother-in-law’s heart attack, she was fortunate to receive immediate medical care. Later, her doctor told me that treatment within fifteen minutes of a heart attack results in a survival rate of 33 percent for critical patients. But just 5 percent survive if treated beyond that time frame. On the way to heal Jairus’s desperately ill daughter (someone definitely needing immediate medical care), Jesus did the unthinkable: He paused (Mark 5:30). He stopped to identify who touched Him, and then spoke gently with the woman. You can imagine what Jairus was thinking: There’s no time for this, my daughter is dying! And then, his worst fears came true—Jesus appeared to have delayed too long and his daughter passed away (v. 35). But Jesus turned to Jairus...

19th of August is World Humanitarian Day

19th of August is World Humanitarian Day   We commend all those individuals, groups, NGOs, Charities, Foundations and others who engage in one form of humanitarian service or the other. God bless your labour and work of love. May we not do anything in vain. Remember Luke 14:13 "But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind. 14 "And you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you; for you shall be repaid at the resurrection of the just." Luke 12:33 "Sell what you have and give alms; provide yourselves money bags which do not grow old, a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches nor moth destroys. Remember the ultimate law is love. God is love. There is no love outside of God. Your life in God is most important. In all your giving, give your life to Jesus Christ and be fervent. We commend all those who engage in some form of humanitarian activity and advocacy or the other. God bless us all, amen. Tina Tobo P...

Our tracts.

Join us to share our tracts. Please anywhere you see our tracts help ensure they reach the readers and are not destroyed or mutilated. We urge you to come to our Office to get copies to help us share at home and abroad. You can also write for us and\or donate to printing and publication. Thank you. TLF💚

Monthly Outline

OUR MONTHLY OUTLOOK 1st Monday - Primary/Secondary or Tertiary School Visit Here we donate school items and create awareness of our theme for the month, as well as activities at our centre, especially the availability of our library.  2nd Tuesday – Film show Here we show full length movies as well as TED talks and Documentary based on our theme for the month outside our Centre. 1st Wednesday - Outreach Here we go on the streets, market places and community centres to give out food, money, clothes, toys, our items, our tracts, our devotionals as well as our brochures with fund raising appeal letters. 2nd Thursday - Music  Host a particular church choir or music group where we would thrash out contemporary issues in music and our roles in influencing one of the largest means of influence all around the world. We would also donate something of need to the choir. 1st Friday - Sports Tournament Here we would engage the children and youths as well as the elderly in different outdoor... Creativity

Did You Know? In TLF we are big on arts, crafts and creativity. We celebrate creativity. Many people have been able to support charitable causes from creative art exhibitions and sales. Many others have also used their creative works to raise awareness on various laudable causes for social development. Take for instance in our theme for this month, we have selected some creative art works that will help pass our message to us in an artistic way. Also in our Centre, we host children who often come just to draw and make things from recycled materials. We strongly invite you to like our facebook page - TLF Creativity. We also share and retweet such creativity on our X handle that we also invite you to like and share. Our various artworks in TLF add to the posters we paste around and the comics we also produce and share out. Thank you. Creativity #January

17th of October is the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty.

17th of October is the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty.  We commend all those individuals, groups, NGOs, Charities, Foundations and others who engage in one form of addressing the major issue of poverty - lack of food, clothes, shelter and other basic needs of life and living.  We all need to join hands urgently to eradicate poverty. If we do not, many people will fall into the poverty margin and die of hunger, freeze from homelessness, be jailed for committing crimes to survive or even become despondent and roam the streets naked. This is a call to duty to everyone, irrespective of where you are and how much you have please. God bless your labour and work of love. May we not do anything in vain. Remember 2 Corinthians 8:9 For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich. Let us be sensitive, sensible and loving. This is what our vision in TLF is. That we...

Be reminded of our Theme for this month

Be reminded of our Theme for this month #New Beginning As the year progresses do not give because things may not be looking up. Remember God can do all things. Trust God for your new beginning. Thank you. Itohanoghosa For: Tina Love Foundation (TLF💚) #January

16th of October is World Food Day.

16th of October is World Food Day. From Project Charilove We commend all those individuals, Churches which organise regular soup kitchens, TLF Monthly Breakfast meeting, Chris Omusi of Project Charilove, groups, NGOs, Charities, Foundations and others who engage in one form of giving and charity. God bless your labour and work of love. May we not do anything in vain. Remember Proverbs 29:7 The righteous considers the cause of the poor, But the wicked does not understand such knowledge. Matthew 6:31 "Therefore do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?'  Remember the ultimate law is love. We thank God for allowing us to start our monthly TLF Breakfast Meeting at our Centre. God bless our sponsors, benefactors and beneficiaries. God is love. There is no love outside of God. Your life in God is most important. In all your giving of food to the needy and hungry, give your life to Jesus Christ and be fervent. In our own way, we have TLF monthly breakfast meetings and provide ref...