What is Your PDP for the year?
Your PDP is Your Personal Development Plans.
Your PDP must be a Detailed, Well-Structured, Articulated and Written Plan that will demand your loyalty and commitment.
Your PDP Guide must include the following:
1. Building Spiritual Capacity (Moving from Just Relationship to Quality Fellowship with Your God)
2. Inspirational And Motivational Books to Read this new year (weekly, monthly or quarterly)
3. Professional And Career Development Seminars, Conferences or Workshops to attend. (Either Paid or Free)
4. Mentors and Coaches you must connect with this New Year that will add great value to your life and work.
5. Relevant/Additional Skills to Develop or Sharpen to enhance your ability to SERVE people and EARN more.
6. Events, Places, Cities and Nations to Visit for personal relaxation, recreation and education.
7. Networks or Associations to join, that will serve as leverages for opportunities and connections (online or offline)
8. What Products or/and Services will you be creating this New Year to multiply IMPACT and increase INCOME.
9. Negative Relationships or Friendships to cut off (that drains personal energy)
10. Wise and Intelligent Investments to undertake this New Year.
11. Negative Habits, Attitudes and Behaviours to confront and conquer.
12. Positive Habits, Attitudes and Behaviours to cultivate this New Year.
Let Your Plans Begin Now!
As we go through this theme in TLF for the rest of this month and indeed for all time, recognise your time is moving and you're approaching this New Year’s end figuratively.
I thank everyone who packs my parachute in this life in one way or the other through words, deeds and prayers. I am honoured to also do so for others. There is also a special place for all those who do so for Tina Love Foundation and our sister bodies. When we keep in mind those who love us there would be no room or place in our lives for despair, sorrow or bitterness. We preach love, we practice it, we pray for it. God is love.
- For TLF
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