The TLF whatsapp group actually started since 27th November 2016. We have other channels, physical, print and electronic media. There have been many challenging times and times of turning back for a couple of people. One major problem was the direction of TLF. One major question people ask and I'm almost tired of answering, with examples, words and pictures is "what is TLF about?" One more time- Tina Love Foundation (TLF) is an offshoot of what I did for 9 years between 1996 and 2005, giving because I was given and I had to give. We all give in fantastic ways every minute and every day. Sometimes deliberately, out of our ways or spontaneously. I learnt to give from many situations, people and programmes. By January 1st 2005 I asked God what He wanted me to do about what I was doing. I was given a mission, vision, theme and a verse. But had no team. Mission- to inspire, motivate and encourage people in ways that lead them to their God given life's purpose. ...
Tina Love Foundation TLF is an organisation set up for charity and social development. With funds, support and donations, we can reach out to the needy physically, intellectually, emotionally and so on to better their lives and better the society. We believe without the love of God charity will not be sustainable or attainable. With charity, society can be developed. God is love and Jesus loves us.