The wonderful Grace So Amazing Foundation (GSAF) had its annual retreat once again!
It was a great time spent and awesome experience.
For years and years we have had the opportunity to use and distribute this free devotional, The Word for Today, published by GSAF.
We shared earlier in the year that the chief writer Bob Gass passed on this year, but somehow we are blessed by God to still have his writings to enrich us for many years to come.
Let's note with all sense of love that the GSAF is non-denominational as it does not belong to any church in particular. It is a Foundation and it's Coordinators and Founders belong to the RCCG that's why they have used the RCCG as their venue for their programmes all these years.
It is a place where people from different tribes, denominations, workforce and educational background come to review the activities of the Foundation over the years and celebrate contributors and distributors.
We in TLF have been part of this GSAF by our financial donation and also by distributing copies of the devotional in different parts of Nigeria- Sokoto, Ekiti, Edo, Lagos, Oyo, Rivers, Delta, Kwara and many other places. You too can be a part of the GSAF.
We urge us all to help support our work with this amazing Foundation by joining us to raise funds to support their publication expenses. Remember it's given free so they have no place of profit.
We also want you to join us in TLF when we go out to distribute these devotionals. Most importantly, we need volunteers and members who will help us collect and weighbill cartons of the Devotional from the GSAF office in Lagos to Edo our present location for the TLF centre.
We thank God Almighty for His Word and His people.
Thank you for being part of TLF, we appreciate everyone involved with our activities with GSAF.
The wonderful Grace So Amazing Foundation (GSAF) had its annual retreat once again!
It was a great time spent and awesome experience.
For years and years we have had the opportunity to use and distribute this free devotional, The Word for Today, published by GSAF.
We shared earlier in the year that the chief writer Bob Gass passed on this year, but somehow we are blessed by God to still have his writings to enrich us for many years to come.
Let's note with all sense of love that the GSAF is non-denominational as it does not belong to any church in particular. It is a Foundation and it's Coordinators and Founders belong to the RCCG that's why they have used the RCCG as their venue for their programmes all these years.
It is a place where people from different tribes, denominations, workforce and educational background come to review the activities of the Foundation over the years and celebrate contributors and distributors.
We in TLF have been part of this GSAF by our financial donation and also by distributing copies of the devotional in different parts of Nigeria- Sokoto, Ekiti, Edo, Lagos, Oyo, Rivers, Delta, Kwara and many other places. You too can be a part of the GSAF.
We urge us all to help support our work with this amazing Foundation by joining us to raise funds to support their publication expenses. Remember it's given free so they have no place of profit.
We also want you to join us in TLF when we go out to distribute these devotionals. Most importantly, we need volunteers and members who will help us collect and weighbill cartons of the Devotional from the GSAF office in Lagos to Edo our present location for the TLF centre.
We thank God Almighty for His Word and His people.
Thank you for being part of TLF, we appreciate everyone involved with our activities with GSAF.
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