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Showing posts from August, 2020
 #August #Family #WalkWithUs
We celebrate all families, marriages and parents and children and extended families and in laws.  God's blessings on us all in Jesus name, amen. #August #Family #WalkWithUs
Make God the ultimate in your family. When Jesus is in your family, it is a happy home. #August #Family #WalkWithUs TLF
  #August #Family #WalkWithUs TLF
  Be careful what people and in fact you eon to your very young children. #August #Family #WalkWithUs TLF
We celebrate hardworking men and great fathers  God bless our father's and bless the memory of those passed. #August #Family #WalkWithUs TLF
  Thank God. It's our anniversary today. 10 years ago we were issued our certificate of incorporation as an Incorporated Trustee. We thank all those who made it possible.  We celebrate all we have done and those who have done it with us and done it for. God continuously bless, keep and advance us all in Tina Love Foundation (TLF) in Jesus name, amen.
Still on the issue of #family We must remember that children are a gift from God. It's a gift!  Children will be born and grow and leave the house to start theirs. But the companionship of the man and his wife remain till death do them part. But when a man or a woman places emphasis on a child over and above their spouse, they miss it.  Rachel told Jacob to give her a child or she die, Jacob said he is not God! Hannah refused to eat because she was laughed at for not having children, her husband Elkanah had to ask her "am not I better to you than ten sons?"  The miracle of Sarah giving birth at old age and Elizabeth giving birth at old age are still examples, testimonies and proof to us that God has a reason for everything. It was God Who delayed these people from giving birth because He had a greater divine plan for their lineage (for example see 1 Samuel 1:5)! How many of us know who Peninnah is? not many because even though she had many children, she laughed at Hannah ...
 We in TLF wish all expecting mothers and expectant mothers safe delivery and more happiness in the family, in Jesus name, amen. #August #Family #WalkWithUs
#copied 10 Things Men And Women Do That Destroy Relationships  Everyone is always talking about what people lack in relationships and why they don't last, but what about the things people do consistently that destroy relationships.  A list that gives 10 reasons that men and women will walk away and it does NOT include cheating.  Top 5 Things Men Do that Destroy Relationships:   1. Not Answering the Phone: When a man doesn't answer the phone, especially at certain times of the day, it causes suspicion in a woman’s mind.  2. Walk Your Talk: If a man says he is going to do something, then he needs to make sure that he does it. Don’t give empty promises.   3. Learn to say “I Don't Know”: When it comes to a mans ego, they cant stand to say “I DON'T KNOW!!!” Women cant stand when a man thinks he knows EVERYTHING!!! Its okay to “Google it” if you don't know.  4. Hogging the Remote: When a man just takes complete control over the TV, it’s a simple sign tha...
We urge you to read books and seek divine counselling with matters that concern your marriage, children and family. Avoid toxic information. #August #Family #WalkWithUs TLF

Lord God teach us to number our days... #Family

Good morning  TLF Members and friends,  I trust God we are fine and our families and work and school and all. Just like yesterday we had our 1st Virtual Meeting in April 2020.  Now our 2nd Term General Meeting is coming up again this August And our 3rd Term General Meeting will be December 2020 God keeping us.  Our Tina Love Foundation (TLF) 2nd Term General Meeting will hold Sunday 23rd August 2020 on whatsapp between 6pm and 7pm God willing. You are invited to join us. Invite new members and friends. Thank you, God bless. TLF 💚
 I think it is a great issue that although there are many people who profess and confess Christianity and Christ but have their hearts far from him, so much so that very few people get led to Jesus by our 'witnessing' in lifestyles not our words. it is kinda embarrassing and sad that we have so many pastors, Christians, churches and ministries (tract, TV, gospel musicians, gospel movies, etc) and yet evil prevails and many are still without Jesus! these remaining ones who are not believers in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour are not the ones who perpetuate these evils majorly. its still done by 'christians' or people who profess fear of God in other faiths! na wa oh! i'm starting with myself, let my life bear witness of God's mercy, grace and way,truth&life. here is the FB message Christians are to enjoy life and enjoy one another. When children see no joy in their home, no joy in your Christianity, they will not be attracted by it. When they see you...
ODB Message “Five-Minute Rule” By Anne Cetas He will respond to the prayer of the destitute; he will not despise their plea. Psalm 102:17 I read about a five-minute rule that a mother had for her children. They had to be ready for school and gather together five minutes before it was time to leave each day. They would gather around Mom, and she would pray for each one by name, asking for the Lord’s blessing on their day. Then she’d give them a kiss and off they’d run. Even neighborhood kids would be included in the prayer circle if they happened to stop by. One of the children said many years later that she learned from this experience how crucial prayer is to her day. The writer of Psalm 102 knew the importance of prayer. This psalm is labeled, “A prayer of an afflicted person who has grown weak and pours out a lament before the Lord.” He cried out, “Hear my prayer, Lord; . . .   when I call, answer me quickly” (vv. 1–2). God looks d...
Creative Picture The African Rennaisance Monument In celebration of the Family!   Join our facebook page TLF Creativity and like our posts. Creativity comes from God the Creator and He has given us pro-creative abilities in different areas to make the world a better place and provide works of charity. #August #Family #WalkWithUs
Pray for Our Donor Loved of God, Thank God for success in our works of charity and social development. God bless us and bless our endeavours, In Jesus name, amen. Let's give a shout out to Dr Boniface and his lovely family. Let's celebrate God's grace and mercy upon his life and family. Let's pray that he shall be blessed abundantly with God always on his side In Jesus name, amen #August #Family #WalkWithUs #pray_for_one_another TLF