10 Things Men And Women Do That Destroy Relationships
Everyone is always talking about what people lack in relationships and why they don't last, but what about the things people do consistently that destroy relationships.
A list that gives 10 reasons that men and women will walk away and it does NOT include cheating.
Top 5 Things Men Do that Destroy Relationships:
1. Not Answering the Phone: When a man doesn't answer the phone, especially at certain times of the day, it causes suspicion in a woman’s mind.
2. Walk Your Talk: If a man says he is going to do something, then he needs to make sure that he does it. Don’t give empty promises.
3. Learn to say “I Don't Know”: When it comes to a mans ego, they cant stand to say “I DON'T KNOW!!!” Women cant stand when a man thinks he knows EVERYTHING!!! Its okay to “Google it” if you don't know.
4. Hogging the Remote: When a man just takes complete control over the TV, it’s a simple sign that a man is not interested in the things that his woman likes. Watching sports is cool but not 24\7.
5. Bringing Up Weight: A woman doesn't need her man to constantly remind her that she needs to hit the gym. A woman realizes that she has gained a few pounds when the 1st pound hits. Also by a man always bringing up a woman's weight, it makes it seem that all he cares about is the way she looks and not what she has to offer.
Top 5 Things Women Do to Destroy Relationships:1. The “WHERE ARE YOU” question: When a woman calls a man and the first thing she ask him is “WHERE ARE YOU???” That is annoying. If the woman is asking for a specific reason then thats understandable but to ask a man who all the time shows that a woman doesn't trust her man when he’s not with her.
2. The “Who You Talking To” question: When a man is on the phone and this question is asked, men find this to be very rude. Asking this question co-insides with the above question, it shows that a woman doesn't trust her man and makes a woman appear to be nosy.
3. Nagging: When a woman starts nagging about nothing. If a man hasn’t done what you want him to do and you nag him about it, it’s really not going to get done once a woman starts nagging.
4. Holding a Grudge: When a woman holds a grudge and then tries to bring up all the old stuff in a new argument, that drives a man crazy and makes him non-responsive.
5. Allowing a Man Time to Breathe: Men need time by themselves, to be with friends and family. Men need to feel independent. When a woman doesn’t give a man time to himself then he feels suffocated. Correct. Both the man and woman need time and space.
Hiding things/info away from your spouse can lead to breakups too. The two major causes of break up are conspicuously missing
1) Cheating
2) Lack of communication
#August #Family #WalkWithUs
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