Still on the issue of #family We must remember that children are a gift from God. It's a gift!
Children will be born and grow and leave the house to start theirs. But the companionship of the man and his wife remain till death do them part. But when a man or a woman places emphasis on a child over and above their spouse, they miss it.
Rachel told Jacob to give her a child or she die, Jacob said he is not God! Hannah refused to eat because she was laughed at for not having children, her husband Elkanah had to ask her "am not I better to you than ten sons?"
The miracle of Sarah giving birth at old age and Elizabeth giving birth at old age are still examples, testimonies and proof to us that God has a reason for everything. It was God Who delayed these people from giving birth because He had a greater divine plan for their lineage (for example see 1 Samuel 1:5)!
How many of us know who Peninnah is? not many because even though she had many children, she laughed at Hannah who hadn't, but today Hannah is known and reckoned to have had 5 children! Or should we talk of Job who actually had children but lost them because of the devil himself, the adversary, the accuser of the brethren? But God being God, the Alpha and Omega, Creator of the universe, blessed Job with children again at the end of his ordeal.
So, what should we take out of this? My name is Toboukepeme and it's an Izon name which means children are riches. Children are like vines in a family tree, they are important and pleasant to have in every home, they come from God and are to be raised by parents for God's ultimate purpose.
A man with much wealth is not happy until he has children. A man without money but with children is hopeful that wealth will come from his children. But in all it is God Who choses who will have or not? Have i heard of IVF, IVC and adoption plus surrogacy? Yes!
Praise God for He is Omniscient. Children surround the table of their parents and will themselves enable their parents see their children's children so says the Lord of Hosts. But, children are a gift from God, so anyone who wants a child should meet God not his wife or her husband, or any mortal man or deity.
Today, in TLF we have 2 responsibilities, first is to provide charity to children in need and second is social development to ensure that children brought into this world are raised right, not abused, not forsaken, but loved, tenderely taught, disciplined and not left to be used as instruments for destruction.
Parents as well as society have the duty to ensure that children are raised right and learn from their mistakes instead of recycling them. They are to be raised to be better, to do greater works and surpass even previous generational strides.
On a final note, as a Foundation, let us pray for those who are seeking the fruit of the womb from God. We pray with them that God Almighty answers them and grants answers to their prayers according to His will in Jesus name, amen.
In answering them, may He give them all they need to raise their children and the wisdom to train them in the way they should go, so when they are old, they will not depart from Him, in Jesus name, amen.
#August #Family #WalkWithUs TLF 💚
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