Word –
Zephaniah 1:14 The great day of the LORD is near, near and hastening fast; the sound of the day of the LORD is bitter, the mighty man cries aloud there.
Pray –
Father Lord God may we not be cast aways. May we remain in Your fold and the salvation won for us by Your Son, Jesus Christ, amen, in JESUS name we pray, amen.
Praise –
It won't be long (AndraƩ Crouch)
It won't be long
When we'll be leaving here
It won't be long
We'll be going home
It won't be long
When we'll be leaving here
It won't be long
We'll be going home
Count the years
Count the years as months, Count the years as months
Count the months, Count the months as weeks
Count the months as weeks, And count the weeks
Count the weeks as days, Mmm, any day now
We'll be goin'
We'll be going home
Charge –
Why we need to preach Jesus Christ crucified and raised to life: Because we have a future. Who else can we trust? In Jesus Christ we are safe for this life and for eternity. We know we are part of His plan, a bigger picture, and that when we have done our part, as we step off the stage, we will embrace a life of eternal happiness, peace and rest.
Let us watch and pray.
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