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8 September International Literacy Day (UNESCO)

8 September is International Literacy Day (UNESCO)

Today is World Literacy Day and it's also the theme for the month of September in Tina Love Foundation (TLF). We alternate it in some years with #Learning.

What's literacy for us?

Formal and Informal Education!

Without the basic tools of reading and writing, informal education is difficult.

Without the basic knowledge of skills, reading and writing can't be put to use.

For us at TLF this year we shall be throwing it open to everyone to join us support children going back to school.

Some states in Nigeria had their resumption Sept. 4 like Lagos.

Some are resuming Sept. 11 like Edo.

While some others are starting their new session Sept. 18 like Oyo.

How can we support children going back to school?

Dear grandparents we know in your time things were not this ridiculously expensive but guess what? Older siblings do not pass on their old textbooks to their younger ones any more in most schools. They buy new ones.

Dear parents we know you too are spending on your children, but guess what? Some children just became orphaned, fatherless, motherless during the long holiday while some had their parents become financially handicapped for various reasons.

Dear gentlemen and ladies with no ward, child, relative or dependent, the cost of sending a child to school is on the high side even in public schools. Their needs go beyond food and transportation. Their basics remain uniforms, school bags, shoes, sandals, socks, sweater, raincoat, biros, pencils, notebooks and textbooks. But they are several other charges such as development fees, sports and even security and sanitary levies in some communities.

How do you want to support a child or children going back to school?

TLF at this juncture is the nexus between those who need and those who can meet a need.

If you have school bags, shoes, sandals, notebooks, biros, pencils, other stationeries and other things to give, please reach out to us so we'd know how we can get them or you bring them or you drop off at our various collection points. and

Twitter is @Tlovefoundation 

WhatsApp only is +234 809 859 8075.

If you have the money and not the items please do a direct deposit or transfer to 

Tina Love Foundation 


Guaranty Trust Bank now known as GTCO

Kindly forward the e-receipt to our WhatsApp 

Or kindly inform us so we acknowledge receipt.

Thank you.

For almost 6 to 7 years back to back TLF has sourced for funds to buy notebooks, biros, pencils, erasers, sharpeners and other items as well as teaching aids for primary and secondary schools with emphasis on public schools while private schools have been fewer in number. 

God willing we shall again have school(s) tour as they resume a new session. Although we don't have teaching aids such as learning charts, red biros, board markers and even chalk (for those who still use), we shall walk as the Lord directs and provides.

We sincerely thank all those who supported last year and we rejoice with the schools, students and teachers that benefited.

With the Universal Basic Education wherein school is free in public schools till JSS 3, there should be no reason for a child not to be literate in this century.

With access to education not going to school is the real scam.

Literacy is an essential tool for life.

We commend all those individuals, groups, NGOs, Charities, Foundations and others who engage in one form of creating awareness ....

God bless their labours and works of love.

There are several sources of literature review but few sources will be explained here.

Library: Library is a home of books both printed and non-printed. Anyone can pay a visit to a credible library such as one in your school (Academic), National Library (Abuja), State Library, Private Library (TLF’s Library in Edo State) or special library like that of Olusegun Obasanjo’s in Ogun State, depend on what you are searching for.

Borrow: You can borrow books and other materials from friends, family even teachers if you consider that they have such materials.

Internet: this is the most recent source of literature for projects especially in Nigeria because the internet contains millions of academic database and other valuable sources of information including journals and blogs. Just search you key words appropriately.

Newspapers and Magazines: Newspapers and magazines are good sources of literature and data for a research. Newspaper offers news and other information that researcher can borrow ideas from. In fact, those doing content analysis use newspaper often.

Journal and Conference Papers: Researches and write ups published in a journal or presented at a conference offers valuable materials for a research. In fact, it offers empirical information for new researchers who may want to know what has been done in the area.

(We recommend you watch Sir Ken Robinson (2010) on Ted Talks titled “Bring on The Learning Revolution” and “Build a School in the Cloud” by Sugata Mitra).

Proverbs 1:The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.

May we not do anything in vain.

Remember the ultimate law is love and God is love.

Your life in God is most important. So in all your pursuit of ... pursue a life in Jesus Christ and be fervent.

Tina Tobo


... the ultimate law is love.



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