Do you know that many people are being discouraged about attaining degrees, certificates, and education as a whole?
Since people feel that the end result of being educated is to get a good job and make money, they want to skip the education part and go straight to make money.
But knowledge for service is to be our aim.
A few people ask why I chose my career part, claiming that with money you can solve any altruistic desire you have.
But it is not the money that is the issue, but the love for it.
You can be educated and still make money.
You can have money and still offer service.
Education helps us realise this because it encourages reading, and reading wide.
I always felt that you can’t read books like Proverbs, Ecclesiastes or even some secular books like Shakespeare and Charles Dickens and still be caught up in the snare of vanity.
Education is good and learning is worth it.
A workman is worthy of his wages, as a workman can earn his own keep. But a rich fool, of what use is he, where his aspirations is more more and more with no service?
The question is why are you learning? Why did you learn?
... the ultimate law is love.
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