16th May yearly is International Day of Light.
We commend all those individuals, groups, NGOs, Charities, Foundations and others who engage in providing light for us to have access to information and enhance communication.
God bless your labour and work of love.
May we not do anything in vain.
Remember Genesis 1:3 Then God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light.
Micah 7:8 Do not rejoice over me, my enemy; When I fall, I will arise; When I sit in darkness, The LORD will be a light to me.
Remember the ultimate law is love.
God is love.
There is no answer outside of God.
Your life in God is most important.
In all your research, submit to Jesus Christ and be fervent.
Let there be light! Was the beginning of all of creation.
With light came day, the sun, moon and stars.
In present day we now have light in different forms.
While growing up we had lantern, candles, gas light. Then we involved still carrying along generators.
We now have solar and other forms of electricity.
Why is light important in #Communication?
Well we need light to broadcast and receive information.
In these modern times, we rely on internet and our devices need to be charged.
We light to watch TV, listen to radio, read newspapers, magazines and more!
Happy International Day of Light.
We encourage engagements, contributions and support for our activities.
Please bear in mind that money is essential in this Foundation.
We welcome donations in cash and kind, endowment and referrals.
We run generators at our centre. Our activities include seminars and film-shows. We have so many uses of light at TLF. Besides our monthly budget for TLF and the Centre, we spend mostly excessively on data, power and printing.
Tina Tobo
... the ultimate law is love.
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